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Fun fact of the day, I write only on my phone🤡 I never wrote any of my stories in computer, ever. Yes, I am crazy :)

At least I think I am bc apparently most people ca4 write on their phone and I'm on my... 13th story? I think so, not to mention my other account which has 7 so far and each chapter is like 5000 words, but not kpop related, nor in English.

I might have a slight problem but hey, at least I'm happy.... Kinda...

Who's you Itzy bias?

And your Txt bias?

Mine as Chaeryeong and Kai. Idk I felt curious all of a sudden.

Alexa play Anti Romantic by TXT in honor of the Aro ace character I just created in 3 shots.

Oh lord grab your holy water from now on and I mean it, I don't know what the fuck happened to my head during this book 🤡


Changbin made it till Friday before he totally lost his auto control. He'd been whining like a mad man, wandering why he had been so sensitive lately. Every time he simply looked at Felix his body would react immediately, giving him a lot of problems when it came to seeing him at the swimming club or anywhere at school. He'd spent hours trying to understand what he could do about it, and decided on trying to approach him again.

He was Honey. That was it. And he needed to stop that will to taste him.

The second he opened the door to Felix's room, he felt it deep in his stomach, that he wouldn't make it out the way he wanted to. He considered going back, cursing under his breath as the bathroom door opened, Felix staring at him with a towel around his waist, wet hair and wide eyes.


The shorter closed the door, feeling his heart race as he opened his mouth, trying to come up with something smart and teasing to say, but his eyes got lost on the drops of water that ran down Felix's body, and he forgot all he went to do there.

"I-I... Ahm...", the shorter made himself rip his eyes away from the taller and looked around the room, realizing it had indeed been a terrible idea. His eyes fell on the taller's desk and his eyes widened. "Felix?", he let out a whisper, looking back at the half naked guy.

Felix followed his gaze to the red helmet that stood on top of the table, cursing out loud.

"You saw nothing."

"I-I...", Changbin's body shook as Felix walked closer to him. "Felix...", the taller reaches for him and choked him against the wall, making Changbin's eyes widen like they never had. His hands flew to hold Felix's wrists and he gasped for air, almost whining as he felt himself harden immediately, finding himself ridiculous.

"What are you even doing here? What the fuck was your idea?", Changbin whimpered at the way Felix's voice sounded so much deeper than it usually did. The taller had such an aggressive aura Changbin could swear he was possessed. "How did you find out? You came here to talk into shit because you know about the racing. I didn't let you see me, how-"

"I don't. I d-don't know shit... p-please stop." The shorter whined, moving uncomfortably. "Y-you're... ah.", he let out a small moan, twitching over himself and making Felix furrow his eyebrows.

"What?" He scanned the guy and looked back up with a smile. "Oh, you're hard? Kinky.", he smiled and choked him harder. Changbin felt Felix's free hand moving to his waist and his skin tingled at the indirect touch. "Where's the guy that fucked half of the school at? You left him outside, Changbin."

"F-Felix...", he let out another moan as said boy got closer to him, letting their bodies touch, his own bottom against Changbin's.

"You want help with that little problem?", Felix pointed down and moved agains him, making Changbin hit his head against the wall.

The shorter nodded and threw his hands around Felix's neck, who laughed and moved his own to the shorter's waist, hoisting him up and pressing him against the wall.

Changbin let out the loudest moan so far, his legs shakily wrapping themselves around Felix's waist, while the taller moved against him slowly, his lips finding Changbin's neck and sucking the skin slightly.

Changbin felt his heard race and his body burn under the lack of dominance for the first time in his live, his member begging for more attention as Felix marked his neck.

"Your moans are so pretty.", Changbin moaned again, feeling even more turned on. "And you're so weak."

"I-I'm not... w-weak.", he tried to stabilize his breathing, but Felix simply smiled against his neck. He held the boy closer to his member and started grinding against him harsher and faster, finding his sweet spot and sucking, biting on it. Changbin almost choked on his own gasp and a series of desperate moans that he was embarrassed to even know he could produce left his throat until Felix covered his mouth. The second Changbin thought he was going to reach his high just for that, a door unlocked next to them. They both grew silent, Changbin pressing his forehead to Felix's shoulder as his member waited impatiently for the end, while they both breathed heavily.

"Felix? I need your help with something, are you in the room?"

"Shit, I need to go.", Changbin whined and hugged his waist with harder with his legs, starting to move again. Felix chuckled.

"So choking kink and getting caught kink?", the taller turned around, throwing Changbin on the bed, winking at him. "You can see yourself out, don't please yourself on my bed and cover those hickeys tomorrow."

Changbin saw as Felix left, his mind running at a hundred as he got up and locked himself in his room, shamelessly calling the taller's name as he finished, trying his hardest to infinite the places his mind went during it, places not very normal for a top like him.


So.. that was that... and that was nothing compared to THAT *looks at the next chapters* Holly fuck bye-

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