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Guess who almost forgot to publish today? Me :)

Guess who NEEDS to write a lot tomorrow or else is fucked with this story cs I'm still on chapter 28 and have been there for fucking two weeks? ME :)

I am desperate I need to start working on rescue team while I publish this or else I WILL go crazy.


Alexa okay Shoot by Itzy.


The moment Felix got home, Changbin followed him with his hungry eyes.

"Felix, darling.", His mom greeted, smiling at the taller.

"Hello, Mrs Seo, what can I do to help today?"

"My husband isn't doing the garden anymore so, dinner, if you don't mind, I have a meeting soon."

"You're paying me, Mrs Seo, I don't mind.", he chuckled at the choice of words, totally ignoring Changbin sitting on the couch. "I'll go and prepare to come cool, then."

"Alright, darling."


Changbin entered the room right after Felix, making the guy roll his eyes at the footsteps. Changbin had genuinely thought the blonde hadn't heard him come, but Felix had been aware of the shorter the whole time, testing how far he would go for him.

Felix knew exactly what Changbin wanted, he also knew exacly how much Changbin didn't know, and that make him curious.

"Hey there, babyboy.", Felix wrinkled his nose, turning to him after putting in a confused face.

"Baby what?"

Changbin smirked, sitting on the desk.

"Don't you like the name?"

Felix tilted his head.

"I don't get it, why are you smiling like that?"

The shorter sighed, making a tsk sound with his tongue.

"How come you're like that?"

"Like that?"

"So innocent, tell me have you ever been fucked?"

Felix snorted a bit.


It wasn't a lie.

Changbin shook his head.

"Such a pretty boy and no one took you to heaven yet?"

The blonde had to hold a gag reflex from the poor pick up line.

"I still don't get anything of what you're saying."

Changbin got up, walking to Felix with a smile still plastered on his face.

He lifted his hand to touch Felix's face, making the older stiffen. His check was caressed and then cupped, the shorter softly making him face him.

"Would be a shame if all of... that...", he looked down and up, licking his lips at the sigh of Felix's covered body. He reached for the taller's waist and pulled him closer, making him rest both his hands on the shorter's chest." Went to waste."

"C-Changbin?", the taller didn't have to try and stutter, the situation still made him pretty nervous, even though he knew all that the shorter was going to try.

"Don't stress, maybe you should let me make you feel something new... something good."

Felix closed his eyes and instinctively threw his head back as Changbin's lips attached themselves to his neck, leaving soft kisses along his jawline as his hand gripped the taller's waist. Felix locked his lips, breathing heavily and letting the shorter push him against the wall, smirking and attacking his neck.


"Shush.", the shorter kissed the skin harshly, biting down on some spots and smiling at Felix's trembles. He smashed their bodies together and felt his jeans tighten as Felix moved against him, a soft moan leaving his mouth.

"Shit-", Felix gripped Changbin's hair and pulled him away, feeling his own bottom urge. He shook his head, trying to control his unholy thoughts as Changbin's breath filled the room.

"What, babyboy?"

"Get out."

Changbin smirked at the slightly panicked boy.


"I need to go cook.", Felix pushed him a bit harder, making the shorter colide and fall sitting on his bed.

"Alright then, we'll continue this later. Now go cook me diner!", Changbin playfully pointed at the door, before Felix threw a book at him, slightly blushing and hating himself for that. Changbin laughed and stood by the door. "Now.", he winked.

Felix pulled himself back together, fiddling with his fingers and pretending to be a shy mess, not with too much effort at that time, to be honest.
He passed through Changbin and ignored the older's hungry look, smiling softly at the ground and bowing, playfully answering.

"At your service, sir."


And yep, that was it for today, now the fun will really start ;)

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