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So... *gigles*... buckle up, we're in for a ride today.


Alexa play Little Star by Hwang Hyunjin.


Changbin shouted with the others as the first pilot crossed the finish line, he was tired, he hadn't managed to sleep during the afternoon as well and had been forced to stare at Felix shirtless in the garden, again, the whole day. He hadn't been able to do any of his school work, or even play some game. No. He had stared at the boy like an idiot as he helped his father.

Now, knowing which was his car, he couldn't help it but to fell exited as he realized the boy taking his breath away was the same boy that had won the race. He smiled as he came out of the car, congratulating the other racers, almost not questioning Seungmin coming out of the next car.

He saw in shock as Hyunjin threw himself at the guy, hugging him thigh and congratulating him, wandering when they had became friends.

"Hi! How did we do?", Chan appeared by his side, a smile from ear to ear and punched his and Minho's shoulder.

"Not as good as Felix right there. Since when have you all ran?", Minho asked, his voice almost drowned by the noise.

"Felix and me have been on these kinds of races since 16, Seungmin joined us last year, but he still managed to pass me. I'm assuming you now know the truth about everything.", he grinned. "Hyunjin was desperate to tell you about all this, but he was scared of your reaction."

"We still don't know who his boyfriend is, though."

Chan rolled his eyes, hitting the shorter's head with his helmet.


Changbin's chin dropped to the floor, his eyes widening and a weird noise coming out of his mouth and Hyunjin ate Seungmin's face not too far from them.

"What the fuck?"

"Honestly, you're just dumb, at this point. Even I had understood.", Minho chuckled and patted his back, going past them to sit on the iron platform next to them. "When are we leaving?"

Chan turned to him with an offended expression.

"You aren't even staying for the post party?"

Minho groaned and hid his face, which made Changbin turn to the side immediately. For Chan, that had been an answer and he had started complaining and pestering the guy to stay, but the shorter new best. And he found him the moment after.

Jisung was there, standing with Felix with his smile and his parted hair, his ripped jeans and his chains, he had that look that could kill and Changbin found himself chuckling at the way he was affecting his friend.

"I'll be right back.", he didn't get an answer from the two older guys, who had engaged on some weird conversation about some racing team he did not know anything about.

Changbin forced his way between the sea of people that were celebrating, knowing that was probably a bad idea.

But as soon as Felix had started moving away from all of them, his ego screamed at him to go and catch him by surprise, to put him in his place.

Felix stopped under the bridge the cars were at, murmuring to himself and looking around in the dark, only the moonlight letting him see some things.

Changbin took a deep breath and called him, in a ridiculously low, scared tone.

He cursed himself as the taller turned back, a smile plastered on his face as Changbin forced himself to walk.

"What a surprise, what did you come here for? An autograph?"

Changbin didn't quite know what to say.

"Why do you pretend to be innocent?"

Felix chuckled, leaning against one of the cars there.

"I don't, this is not some cliche book, people just assume I am innocent and I have no reasons to deny it."

"Why are you working at my house?"

Felix rolled his eyes.

"You're not entitled to my life story just because we are taking under the moonlight and a bridge, you're lucky I'm not kidnapping you."

Changbin bit his lip and nodded, feeling Felix's stare on him. The shorter gulped and took a step forward, taking a deep breath.

"I won't tell anyone about this life of yours, under a condition.", Felix raised his eyebrow, motioning him to keep going. "I can fuck you whenever I want while you're at my house."

The taller bit his own lip this time, trying to hold the laughter in.


Changbin's eyes widened.


"I said sure.", Felix grinned and pulled the shorter by his arm all of a sudden, making their body's collide. The shorter gasped and found himself looking up to Felix. "We can fuck.", the taller's hands gripped his waist hard and the shorter whined lowly, the echo traveling around. "But we'll see the details later."

"I-", his voice cracked as Felix kissed his cheek, then his neck, then his Adam Apple, and Changbin tugged his jacket hard. "F-Felix..."

"You sound so hot, Changbin, I should have came to work for you sooner."

"You can't.. y-you-"

Felix pulled him by his nape and smashed their lips together. The shorter moaned into the kiss and let him deepen it the second after, too drunk on the feeling to even fight against him. He shamelessly hugged Felix's neck and whined as the taller squeezed his butt, leaning back even more.

"Shush, there's too much echo here.", Felix whispered against the shorter's mouth, chuckling as his only answer was another hungry kiss. Felix took the lead, exploring the other's mouth bit by bit, his hands roaming on Changbin's body. He bit the guy's lip and smiled at the whimper, deciding it was good enough, and letting go. Changbin let his head fall and closed his eyes fiercely.

"As I was saying.", Felix pushed him away, making the guy huff, his mind still lost and his legs shaking a bit. "We'll see the details later."

Felix winked at him one last time before grabbing a bag that he probably had been looking for and leaving the bridge area.


FEELS LIKE LOVE *inserts Korean lyrics ca I'm too lazy to switch keyboard languages*

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