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Welcome to HyunJuly, enjoy the month <3

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Welcome to HyunJuly, enjoy the month <3

He read all of our messages, we can see it in the app 🥺 at freaking 2 am there.

He read all of our messages, we can see it in the app 🥺 at freaking 2 am there

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We're also trending hard.

This has nothing to do with this now but sometimes I wonder if I'm moots with any of you 👀




Changbin's mouth fell as the guy parked the car.

In fact, it had fallen as soon as he had arrived, "Innie" was a 17 year old, with a massive race car that seemed to have cost a lifetime salary, and a smile that made him seem so innocent  his dark clothes and chains almost didn't fit. He had appeared fast, and Hyunjin had ruffled his hair before they all got in, Minho questioning where they were heading to every five minutes like I'm the Shrek movie.

Now, though, the younger had just randomly entered a hidden illegal racing spot, driving under a small bridge, he had parked next to a bunch of other cars, some normal, some race cars as well. Changbin felt dislocated immediately, a wave of heat rising to his chest as the scent of alcohol and smoke filled his nostrils.

Hyunjin smiled widely, greeting some of the people that were around.

"I need to go help my driver, I'll trust you to not get lost in here."

Hyunjin winked at the youngest and he disappeared in the crowd.

"Welcome, to Throne.", Changbin looked at his friend in disbelief.

"As in Throne the illegal race-"

"Yes. Now shut up and come."

"How do you even know about this?", Minho's eyes were lost in all the people while the taller guides them to the center of the huge platform used as seats. The starting line was right there, a few cars already ready as people moved everywhere, mechanics running around, some racers with their made suits talking to each other and a bunch of teenagers and older people in separated groups, drinking beer and climbing to the platform slowly.

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