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I almost forgot lmao it's so late I'm so sorry 🥲

Alexa play Oh by Straykids because I don't think we played it yet?


Tw// I don't know how to exacly tw this, but I guess I could say overly sensitivity ? Idk if that triggers anyone but I better leave it here

Also this chapter was to be marked as a ⚠️ but didn't because even though it has sexual content it is not a smut chapter in any way.


"You're home early.", his mom kissed Changbin's head and chucked at the way he cringed. "How was school?"

"Good.", Changbin looked around, hoping to see Felix.

The boy had went to school in these shorts that made Changbin hard just by looking at his ass, and had managed to avoid him the whole goddam day.

"Where is Felix?"

His mom sent him a warning look.

"Helping your father in the garden, why?"

Changbin shrugged.

"He wasn't at the swimming club today when I went to get Hyunjin. Just making sure he didn't catch a cold or something."

"To see if you could take care of him?"

"Of course, I'm a good friend."

His mother scoffed, punching his shoulder.


"Seriously? You think I'm that dumb?"

Changbin tried his best to look confused.

"I don't get it."

His mother sighed, taking a sip of her wine.

"I don't have the time and crayons to explain this to you, go and do your homework."

"Sure.", He chuckled. "I'll just go say hi to dad first."

He ran to the garden and smiled as he saw his dad watering some plants, he almost called him until his eyes fell on Felix.

The taller had those goddam shorts, a bit wet from the water they were using, his dad had probably splashed him because of the heat, since his hair was also wet and his shirt was off. Changbin gulped and let his eyes wander through Felix's abs, then his thighs , his ass. He felt his own jeans tighten and shook his head, not letting himself get hard just by that view.

Then Felix noticed him. He smiled knowingly at Changbin's lost eyes and turned around on purpose, scratching his neck until it was red enough for Changbin to see. When the shorter deemed himself controlled enough to look at him again, his eyes widened at the marks, immediately closing them again, breathing hard and cursing under his breath. He knew he shouldn't, but he looked again, feeling his erection grow as Felix scratched his necks again, hardly, but innocently.

"Holly fuck-", he dropped his bag on the floor and went past him mom running, almost tripping on his way upstairs. He closed his bathroom's door and whined at the huge mountain between his legs, sitting on the floor and messily undoing his belt. He whimpered at the first time touching himself in a while, images of Felix's body appearing in front of him as he started pumping himself, enjoying the moment a bit too much for just singing a problem.

"F-fuck... f-", he tried to hold back, knowing how ridiculous he sounded right then, but the taller was engraved in his mind, and he couldn't help the moans that escaped him, almost forming the taller's name. "F-Felix...", he let it out a bit too loud as he reached his high, tiredness and embarrassment hitting him immediately, as he realized he had wanted it so bad. "Holly shit... what the fuck, Lee?"

He got up and cleaned himself, using the rest of the afternoon to try and get rid of the thoughts that still lingered after that.


Felix was still hot as fuck as they had the dinner he cooked, he still had his hair wet, another pair of shorts that still showed how much of the work of art he was, and a tank top that could easily be the end of Changbin. The shorter hummed randomly to pretend he was hearing the conversation, but the boy in front of him had his whole attention without even realizing it.

How can someone so hot be so cute?

Changbin sighed as they finished everything, running to his room again and trying to calm down. He stood on the bed, looking at the ceiling, until Felix came up.

He heard the steps, then a thump right in front of his door, when Felix opened the door to his own room. The taller made a weird sound and cursed a bit loud, letting out a half moan as he entered the room.

Changbin's eyes immediately went wide, his body reacting in a sexual way even though he knew the taller had probably just gotten hurt somehow.

He looked down at his new boner, finally realizing the meaning of so close and yet so far away.

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