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Double update as I promised because I totally forgot yesterday <8

Alexa play Shoot by Itzy.


Minho's eyes went wide as soon as Jisung's lips reached his neck, leaving soft kisses all over his shoulder line and up to his ear. He started sucking on a spot, but not too hard, mostly teasing. Minho tried to control his breathing and shut his eyes fiercely when Jisung nibbled his earlobe, kissing his ear and chuckling next to it.

He moved slightly on the older's lap and let his bottom fall on Minho's member, which he took with a low gasp and his hands flying to try and lift Jisung up. The younger took this opportunity to kiss his neck harsher, not letting him speak. As he predicted, Minho grabbed his waist immediately, pulling him up and down, confused at his own actions.

Jisung let him hand reach the other's hair and tugged it, tilting his head to the side as he found the boy's sweet spot and bit down, making Minho moan lowly. He sucked on it and smiled to himself as Minho moved his legs desperately, hoping for more contact.

Of course he gave it to him.

Slowly but surely, the younger moved in his lap, not enough for people to notice but enough of him to feel, pressing himself down as Minho's member hardened, making his moan again.

"Such pretty sounds." He kissed Minho's face and pulled his hair, making his head fall against the sofa. Jisung smiled at the messy boy under him, sitting even closer on his lap and pressing himself down. He hard Changbin whisper a "fuck" by his side but responded only by pulling Minho close until their chests touched. "You seem dead, are you even here?"

The older gulped, holding his waist stronger and pulling him closer, no space between them anymore. Jisung smiled and leaned next to Minho's ear.

"Can you just stop pretending you're hard to get and let me take care of that problem of yours?"

The taller whimpered and pulled Jisung down on his own lap, pressing his hips up and making the younger hold on to the sofa, breathless as well.

Jisung rolled his eyes and pulled the other's face up by his hair, letting his lips hover over Minho's, staring deep into his eyes.

"Alright, this was a bad idea you can sto-"

Minho ignored Changbin and pressed Jisung down by his waist, reaching up to kiss him. It heated too fast, ending up with Jisung hugging his neck and moving on his lap way too much for a public place, kissing him to muffle the moans they both let out.

"Fuck, get up.", Minho spoke for the first time, giving him no time and almost getting him up with only his strength.


"Shut up.", he pulled the shorter upstairs, thumbing on the stairs and almost falling in the process , leaving behind a wide eyed Changbin and a sleeping Hyunjin.

"That was something."

"W-what was... what?"

Changbin chuckled at the taller, who tried to sit right in the couch.

"You lost the century's challenge, and your friends are coming to pick you up along with your boyfriend."

Hyunjin sighed, running his eyes.

"God, he'll be so mad at me."

"Can we finally meet him?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I need to evaluate this situation.", he stretched to get rid of the sleepiness. "Where's Minho and Jisung?"

"I don't know, they disappeared.", he half lied. "I can't wait to go home. I have something to do."

"Blowjob yourself?"

He made a disgusted face and hit the taller's chest.

"Today I'm getting something out of Felix. I am."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and took a sip of his imaginary drink.

"You'll regret that so much."

"Why the hell do you keep saying that?"

Hyunjin chuckled, knowing both of them were too drunk to say anything normal, not worrying about anything anymore.

"You'll find out by yourself."


Lmao Minsung kind of sailed aggressively but hey as Chris said in Drive, we like it rough IM SLRRY THIS WAS A BAD JOKE BUT I CAMT HEAR DRIVE WITHOUT GIGGLING ALL CRAZY I CANTANNAMANSNMAMNSMKJC

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