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I'm not sure if this will post bc Wattpad has been weird... I can't post on my board nor answer comments

Let's see.

Alexa play Kiss and make up by Blackpink and Dua Lipa.


Changbin stood awkwardly by the counter, jumping slightly from foot to foot as Hyunjin and Seungmin danced in the kitchen, making breakfast for the group. Chan and Jeongin were still asleep and Minho had fallen asleep on the couch after the shorter woke him up and made him come downstairs. Jisung was sitting on the island, almost sleeping as well, his cheeks red from the heat of the stove but too careless to step away.

Felix had just came downstairs when Changbin was finally going to sit. His heart immediately did a thing as the deep voice echoed around the kitchen and living room, announcing his arrival.

"Good morning.", he went past Changbin, slightly massaging his waist, as a gesture that could seem friendly but to Changbin did unimaginable things. His body tensed, making Felix scoff lowly, his left hand still lingering on the shorter's waist. He moved it slightly down, to Changbin's lower back, as rested there as Hyunjin served some food, eyeing them with a knowing smile that Changbin failed to see.

"Morning, hungry?"

"Completely, yesterday was tiring."

"The day?"

Felix chuckled, rolling his eyes and moving his hand again, this time close to Changbin's butt.

"The night."

"Where is the food I was promised?"

Lucky for Changbin, Jeongin screamed at the top of his lungs, making all the attention go to him as he arrived, followed by the older. He jumped a bit from the scare and used it to scoot away from the blonde, who bit his lip to hide a smile.

"Almost ready. Take a seat.", Seungmin smiled, gentle, and screamed at Hyunjin to go wake Minho up.

"What are we doing next weekend?", The youngest of them asked, eyes big.

"We are doing something?"

Seungmin nodded at the long haired.

"You wanted them to bond so we are going on a trip, a forest trip."

Hyunjin made a disgusted face.

"You mean like... camping?"

"Yes. Exacly like camping."

"Who the hell is paying?"

"We are, we have a lot of money from the races this month."

"Fucking in the woods, sounds good.", Jeongin hit Chan's head, rolling his eyes.

"Stop thinking with your butt."

"You mean my dick."

The younger glared at Chan, who got the message and shut up, with another small giggle.

"That relationship logistics scares me a bit, you're obeying a guy 4 years younger than you.", Hyunjin out a piece of his food in his mouth and kept talking. "I obey Seungmin but he is only a year younger."

"Who?", Jeongin asked, looking confused.



Hyunjin rolled his eyes and stretched his hands, as if to say that's what he was talking about.

"Anyway, we are definitely doing this."

Changbin laughed and hummed at the conversations for the rest of the morning, leaving with Minho on purpose so he got home after Felix.

When there, he closed his window and stayed in his bedroom, trying to study to get his mind of the guy. He knew, through those painful hours, that he was in the garden again, half naked, looking like the god he was, helping Changbin's dad with flowers and bushes and other things.

He didn't go down for dinner, no matter how much times the house maid told him he needed to eat, refusing to even step out of his bedroom.

He stayed away from his phone, so he wouldn't feel tempted to open the colorful Instagram that Felix kept, his popular posts where he smiled, innocent and cute.

Nothing like in real life.

He stayed away from everything that could mean seeing, talking, thinking or even breathing next to Felix.

And yet, he couldn't help it but to dream of him and his freckles, painted like stars against the night.


*clears throat*

Ladies gentlemen and others, a simp.

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