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First of all I apologize for not posting yesterday, and I am probably not posting tomorrow as well, since I have an exam in a day 🥲

I am in panic, slightly :)

But since I had the chapter written already I took a while during my break today to come here for y'all <8

To further distract me I will be posting a chapter after this one with a choice for you guys to blindly make :))

Look forward to it and enjoy today's chapter <8

Alexa play Sunshine by Straykids.


"So... how are things with Felix going?"

Hyunjin dropped the question Wednesday at lunch, making Minho snort and Changbin's food fall back to the plate.

"What do you mean?"

Hyunjin pretended he didn't se the panic in Changbin's eyes.

"I mean your plan to make him want to fuck with you, your oh so smart plan to take his innocence."

That's when it hit Changbin.

The teasing advices, the whispered conversations and hidden laughs.

Hyunjin had known exacly who Felix was before he had that stupid idea of his, before he was hired at his house.

How had he not understood before?

Changbin gulped, still lost in his own dumbness.

"I gave up."

"You did?", the taller was trying his best not to laugh, while Minho rolled his eyes.

"You're either a coward or your game is just not what it was before." The shorter simply stared at him, screwing on a potato. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why has no one taken the trash out yet?", he asked, looking at Hyunjin, who burst into laughter.

"Alright, good payback, meter and a half."

"I am NOT a meter and a-"

"I can't hear you, can you talk louder? Or grow taller?"

"You're so annoying oh my god. I want to now why you gave up, Bin.", the taller leaned forward, eyes the guy while Felix and Jisung appeared next to them.

"Can we sit?"

"I mean... sure.", Minho smiled awkwardly, letting Felix scoot next to him, in front of the, now, panicked Changbin, while Jisung sat next to Hyunjin.

The shorter, without looking Felix in the eyes, still managed to see the way Minho avoided Jisung's direction with all he had.

Changbin let out a dry laugh.

How had they both ended up in these kinds of situations?

Seungmin was the last one to arrive, a giant smile plastered on his face as hugged Hyunjin from behind, kissing his head.

The guy immediately turned around and hugged Seungmin's waist, which made him yelp and get most of the caffeteria's atention. The whispers started right away, but Seungmin still cupped Hyunjin's face and pecked his lips, sitting between him and Changbin after, as if nothing had happened.

"I see today you woke up and chose extra."

"Is kissing my boyfriend extra?"

Felix chuckled, his deep laugh sending shivers down Changbin's spine.

"You just wanted drama to announce it, admi-"

"I did. A scene to make everyone talk about it and keep their hands and eyes off my boy.", Seungmin smiled, with a tint of a kiss threat in his eyes. "That's all."

"You know, at school, you're a soft boy, I am the bad boy."

Hyunjin seemed very pleased with this, which made the whole table laugh, ignoring the looks the other students gave them, for the first time seeing both popular groups talk for more than mere seconds on the halls, and the new couple at the school.

"Whatever, I can still touch you with my pinky and make you moan."

"Oh god, I didn't need to hear that.", they all turned to see Jeongin with a disgusted face.

"Innie! You come to this school? Why did I never see you?"

The youngest chuckled.

"Because I'm a junior, obviously. My friends over there got all panicked when I came here and told me I shouldn't because, and I quote, the populares don't like us, we're too young." He sighed and dropped his bag. "Just get me a chair I'm tired."

Jisung streched to another table and grabbed a chair, giving it to Jeongin and grinning at the said friends, eyes widened at them.

"Why did you decide to join us?"

"Not for the company, for sure, I heard you have chocolate."

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes.

"I said that in history class how can you know?"

"I have super sonic ears and spies all over, now feed me."

"Chocolate isn't lunch."

"Then buy me lunch."

Seungmin rolled his eyes playfully while the long haired sighed, getting up.

"You're lucky I like you, kiddo."


( I always warn smut and sexual content but should I warn for boners? Lmao idk)

Changbin woke up breathless, eyes wide open and a whine left his throat while his eyes adjusted to the dark. He choked a moan and sat down, looking down at his boner, exasperated.

He had never felt so desperate in his life.

The guy turned around and buried his head on his pillow, grinding down on the bed as he tried to forget his dream, but it kept running through his mind at the speed of light. He found himself whining, slightly drooling on the pillow as he moved in small motions against the bed, his boxers already startling to fell sticky from the pre cum, so he tried to bother and go to his bathroom.

Painfully, he walked over to the door, only to find out he had no paper left.

"Fuck.", he cursed under his breath, moving slowly to the bedroom door, opening it and trying to control his breath as he reached for the common bathroom.

That's when everything changed, and all it took was a door to open.


Shit is going down :))

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