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I am so soft with what I've been writing on the story I'm working on now that coming here is a shock lmao

Alexa play House of Memories by Panic at the Disco.


Changbin woke up in the middle of the night, for the first time in a while without it being for the discomfort in his lower parts.

He woke up in pure confusion, mixed with numbness but at the same time every emotion at the same time.

It was like the last days had been a fever dream, and only now he had understood the situation he managed to get himself on. Suddenly it hit him, the way he had been so weak for Felix until the taller got what he wanted.

How the tables have turned.

The guy carefully got up from his improvised bed, stepping outside and walking the few steps it took them to get next to the river, and sat down. His mind was running but he failed to understand anything of what was going on inside it.

He sighed and let his head fall, trying to focus on the calm, small waves that the wind brought to the shore, his body trembling from the cold breeze from time to time.

He stayed there for what seemed like a whole hour before he heard steps behind him, but he was so drowned in the moment that he didn't even have the strength to raise his head and see who it was.

He did wish it was someone though.

And he was lucky, or maybe not.

Felix sat next to him, with a grunt, crossing his legs and letting his knee brush against the shorter's thigh.

"This is depressing.", he whispered. "What are you doing?"

"Depressing.", the shorter answered immediately, trying to hold his laugh as the blonde sighed in annoyance.

"A comedian, aren't you?"

"I sure am a clown.", He finally raised his head, but stared only at the river in front of him, following the moon reflex.

"How so?"

Changbin shrugged. Images of their night together and how sweet Felix had been after tuning through his mind, their hands intertwined and the other's soft smile. It was all so foreigner, nothing made sense and yet it felt so right.

"Nothing, forget it. Why aren't you asleep?"

Felix shrugged.

"Couldn't, was thinking of my mom."

Changbin measured his words well.

"What about her?"

"She's away, working abroad so she can provide for us."

"Oh.", he bit his lip, stealing a glance at Felix, and tryin to calm his heart as he met the taller's gaze. "T-that's why you came to work at my house?"

Felix nodded, never averting his gaze.

Changbin found himself thinking how didn't he realized before Felix went through these kinds of difficulties. Of course he had the race's money, but he was sure using it for other things, and it was kind of ilegal so he was probably keeping most of it for the future.

"Can I kiss you?"

It came out as a whisper, but Changbin's whole body heard him and he stared, puzzled, at Felix's expression. The boy looked ethereal under the moonlight, his dark eyes shit fit f between holding the shorter's gaze and his lips, his tongue showing a bit between his own parted pair, liking them slightly, as if preparing.

And why wouldn't he prepare? Changbin couldn't say no to him.

Instead of answering, though, the latter simple pulled him by the collar of his shirt and crashed their lips together. Felix hummed in approval and cupped his face, turning a bit more to the side as he immediately licked Changbin's bottom lip, demanding entrance and deepening the moment.

"God, you can do whatever... the fuck you want... with me... Felix...", Changbin managed to whisper against his lips, and Felix chuckled, griping his waist and making him lie down in the sand, hovering over his shaking body.

"You're such a needy boy, aren't you?", Changbin rolled his eyes and pulled Felix head down.

"I'm too tired for this shit, either you act or you leave, I mean it, Lee."

The taller seemed a bit taken aback, but respected Changbin's mood set and kissed him again, longer and deeper, grinding against him for a few seconds, until the shorter couldn't contain a louder moan.

"Quiet, the guys will hear you. We're not that far away from the camp."

"G-god, why are we always in this situation...", Chnagbin moved uncomfortably.

"You're just too horny, that's why. Don't worry, as long as you keep that pretty mouth of your shut...", Felix smirked and slipped his hand inside the other's shorts, kissing his forehead. "We'll be fine."

Part of Changbin's mind scream at himself wanting him all of the time, but he had convinced himself months ago, maybe a year, that all of that was the teenage years.

Sex meant nothing, it was just getting intimate with someone to satisfy your needs, more frequent when he was more needy, like lately. Even though this was a new form for him, a new perspective of what sex had been to him so far, it was still nothing more than a way to satisfy himself and the other.

He knew that.

And yet, when Felix kissed him again, in the middle of all the tension and Changbin's overwhelmed body and mind, he could still heart his heart race, hammering his chest painfully as if to remind him that no matter how much meaningless sex he had, it was still there, ready to ruin his life with those stupid things called feelings.


Hehehehehh, I hate my kinky mind sometimes.


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