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Anygays, Straykids mixtape is debuted on number 1 in this week's World Digital Song Sales Chart which is their 26th entry in three years ( STRAYKIDS WORLD DOMINATION) when it was not even a comeback song so imagine how powerful the next comeback will be :)

Anygays, Straykids mixtape 애 is debuted on number 1 in this week's World Digital Song Sales Chart which is their 26th entry in three years ( STRAYKIDS WORLD DOMINATION) when it was not even a comeback song so imagine how powerful the next comeback...

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As we should 😌✋🏻


Absolutely crying

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Absolutely crying.

And lastly

And lastly

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Alexa okay Alien by Han Jisung.


Changbin stood in front of the mirror on Saturday. He hadn't managed to sleep at all, bags under his eyes again, which was terrible considering Hyunjin had invited him and Minho to go to another race that night. He had to nap during the afternoon or he would be dead.

His mind, still, knowing this, didn't let him fall asleep the night before. Firstly, he had to solve his problem, and then got too awake to even try and sleep. He had smiled during the dinner Felix had been called to help with, claiming to be feeling unwell.

And it wasn't a lie.

He really wasn't feeling well.

His brain had already cursed him so many times for letting it happen, and yet he refused to acknowledge how weak and submissive he had felt.

It made no sense.

Changbin had always been a top, and he had never felt pleasure in having people controlling him. And yet, Felix's touch could make him drop to his knees.

In a lot of ways, actually.

He shrugged the thought away and grabbed his backpack, breathing heavily as he ran down the stairs, got in his car and drove off, knowing Felix was probably still there and wanting to run away as fast as he could.

He got to school and ran inside as well, not really knowing why but letting his legs lead him towards his friends immediately. He stopped to breathe as Minho stared him up and down, chuckling.

"What are you running from?", he patted the shorter's back. "Did you see a ghost or something?"

"No, I just felt like it."

"You felt like running like a mad man to... school?", Hyunjin narrowed his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "Sounds fake."

Changbin took a deep breath and let himself fall on the chair next to the older of them, the empty classroom echoing his groan.

"Shut up, llama, what's up?"

"The ceiling."

"The sky."

"I hate you both.", he let his head fall and then panicked, remembering his hickey and straightening up again. "Wait, you. We need to talk about the night."

Minho's eyes went wide and he shook his head.

"We absolutely do not. There is no need for such thing, Hyunjin, don't give me that look."

"What happened at the party? I remember you telling me I missed a lot."

"Wait, did you boyfriend ever came to get you?"

"He did."

"Boyfriend?", Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, we met him?"

"You didn't.", the shorter pointed his finger. "You were too busy dragging Jisung upstairs to fuck the life out of him."

Hyunjin let out a dry chuckle and sipped on his drink again, literally choking on it when Minho's head fell.

"No f-fucking... w-way.", he managed between his struggle. He cleared his throat and shook his head, a confused expression plastered on his face. "Minho?"

"It's not like that, stop being an idiot.", he glared at Changbin. "It was your challenge."

"My challenge was exactly for you and all your straightness to resist him, and you failed."

"He.. what?"

Minho raised his hand and motioned Hyunjin to shut up, his cheeks red.

"I didn't fail it's just-"

"You didn't fail? Dude you were straight up eating his face and-"

"I'm done with this conversation."

"Lee Minho!"Hyunjin exclaimed as people started coming in. Changbin laughed at the older's flustered ass. His laugh died down as soon as Felix got in the classroom, and so did Hyunjin's. The first one for obvious reasons, the taller's due to Felix's company.
Seungmin winked at him and he smiled back, hoping no one besides the racing gang had seen the interaction. Jisung came behind those two. His hair was fluffy as usual and he was wearing the softest blue hoodie anyone had ever laid eyes on. Changbin moved to sit on his table, next to Minho, and Hyunjin sat in front of them, winking at the older, who simply ignored them, opening his book and writing something.

"Aren't you saying hi to your newly found lover."

"He's not my lover, can you stop saying stupid shit?", the older almost growled, and Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Isn't internal homophobia such a pretty thing."

"Alright alright, enough, we'll scare the shit out of him.", Hyunjin tapped Minho's hand, and the latter pulled it back. Hyunjin sighed. "We're here when you're ready to talk about whatever is happening in your mind right now, Min. We mean it."

"What Hyunjin said.", Changbin muttered in a small voice, his mind half on his friend half on the blonde Australian he could see by the corner of his eye, laughing at something Seungmin had said.

"So, are we ready for tonight?"

Changbin forced his eyes to Hyunjin and smiled, ignoring the way his heart had sped up for no reason at all those last few seconds.

"Yes, we are."


The question is, are YOU ready for their night? 👀

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