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[This is a scheduled chapter]

Alexa.... Wait for command ;)


Changbin felt a poke in his waist and immediately turned back with the brightest smile.

He knew everyone was watching them, both their "fan clubs" and everyone else that gathered on the halls in the morning, meaning mostly the whole school.

Even if they hadn't been, news spread fast, specially gossips, so they just decided to go for it.

Felix leaned in and connected their lips for a split second, pulling away and smiling again before Changbin cupped his face, desperately pulling him closer and kissing him longer, hearing the gasps and the whispers around them, like they were in their own coming of age movie

"This is the part when Pumped up Kicks starts playing in the background and the credits roll while the camera slowly unfocus, isn't it?"

They finally separated just to see Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jisung there, smiles on their faces and teasing tones that made their day.

For them, the scene really did go in slow motion. Changbin playfully hitting him after the kiss and rolling his eyes at his friends, opening his locker and moving stuff around like the main character would do, taking more time then he needed as they waited for the rest of the group.

Jeongin came alone that day, with a promise that they would be meeting Chan later at that night's race, and Minho didn't mind telling anyone about the new relationship so he just got there and kissed Jisung shortly, again causing a wave of whispers and rumors.

"Straight, weren't you?", Hyunjin made a tsk sound with his tongue while Seungmin raised a judging eyebrow at them.

"What even is the surprise? Y'all already knew I wasn't!"

Changbin sighed loudly.

"I hate you."

"I hate you too, pizza face."

"Yah! How dare you! Felix, how dare he?", he pouted and his boyfriend hugged him from the back, the locker still open besides them.

"He's got a point, you look really eatable."

"Oh my god, shut up you're...", Changbin closed the locker, wriggling away from his grasp as everyone laughed. "That was so bad oh lord."

"It was, but you loved it."

The bell rang at that exact moment, making them all jump and groan.

"We're all on C block today, right?", Hyunjin asked, getting 7 yes. "Let's go, then."

Felix swing his arm around his boyfriend again, kissing his temple as he felt the shorter melt a bit at the contact. They walked through the school halls showing off their relationship, knowing nothing of the future, not quite exacly how they had gotten to that point. That group, those pairs, those friendships, that love.

All they knew was, it felt right.

Like nothing ever had before.

And you know what?

Alexa, play Pumped up Kicks.

And the credits start rolling.

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