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I know, I know, I'm a bit late, I'm sorry I was dealing with my deactivated account on Twitter *sobs* and lost track of time.


Alexa play Drive by MinChan.

I know y'all screamed when you hearts it ;)


When Changbin sat at their table the next day, the huge bags under his eyes showed how tired he was, next to a quiet Minho and a calm Hyunjin, he seemed like a child forced to come shopping with his parents and denied that one toy he had fixed as they got to the supermarket.

"Stop complaining."

"How are you so okay?"

Hyunjin shrugged.

"I'm used to it, I didn't even sleep at all."

"You just disappeared, are you fucking a driver?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"A mechanic actually, you know, they know the spots and stu-"

"Shut up, I'm vomiting."

"Then do, shortie, not my problem."

The three looked at the school entrance, from their outside table, as a laugh was heard. Jisung stood there, next to one of his girl friends, his hair as fluffy as usual and still half parted, as if he hadn't had the patience to undo his hairstyle from the day after, a yellow hoodie over some white jeans and his blue backpack on.

"There's the love of your life."

Minho groaned.

"Why is wrong with you? I'm fucking straight."

"You're fucking boring, that's what you are."

Minho pointed his fork at him.

"That is heterophobic."

"Yes, I totally am. Besides straight you're also very very single, you should so give him a chance."

Changbin scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Nah, he doesn't stand a chance, I take it all back, the crush conversation. No fucking way, that guy is too hot to ever need you atention."

"I don't know if I should feel offended or relieved."

"It's you who has a crush on him."

"Offended it is.", Minho slapped the back of Changbin's head as Hyunjin burst into laughter.

"Jisung!" , the taller of them got widened eyes from his friends as he called the boy over. "Come here, please."

The squirrel like boy smiled at the girl and moved to their side, holding on to his backpack and a smile on his face.

"Good morning, what do you need?"

"It's lunch time."

"I just woke up, so it's good morning.", he glared at Changbin and his smile came back almost the second after. "What is it, Jin?"

"Nothing special action we were just discussing and I saw you and decided to call you."

"So, wasting my time, I see.", his smile was still on but his words came out with a bit of venom, which made Hyunjin laugh and the other two stare at him dumbfounded.

"Basically. Lee, stop starting."

Minho slapped the table.

"I am literally breathing, how is looking at someone starring?"

"It's actually the definition of staring, you idiot."

"Fuck off."

Jisung held back a chuckle.

"What did I miss?"

"These idiots hate my straight ass."

Jisung made a disgusted face.

"You're straight? That doesn't even exist nowadays."

Minho states at him in confusion.


"No one is straight that doesn't exist."


"It's a social construct, everyone is attracted to it's own gender even if it's just a small crush or just thinking they're pretty. There's nothing straight about the world."

"Words of a certified pansexual for you, mister Lee."

Jisung bowed laughing, while the other had no idea what to say.

"Talking about heteros...", Changbin whined as the girl got closer, smiling at the group before turning to Minho.


"We broke up already. Don't start this again Al." The blond pouted, exaggerating the expression."an year ago. What do you want?"

"Alright, I see you're not in the mood. I'll call you later and maybe you can come by my house, to help you put your head off things.", she stroked his arm and turning in her heels, smiling one last time and waving at the others.

"I might puke."

"I hate her."

Minho rolled his eyes at his friends and grabbed his juice.

"Are you going?", Changbin leaned forward on the table.

"Probably, why not? It's a one time thing."

"Use protection this time.", Hyunjin shot, making Jisung snort.

"That was a fun week."

"Fucking no, worst time of my life." Minho whined, letting his head fall on the table.

"If you had used protection she could have never used a pregnancy suspicion against you, dumbass.", Jisung laughed.

"You see, Minho here...", Changbin made them all come closer to him and whispered. "Doesn't feel much down there if he's wearing pro-"

"You fucker!", Changbin half screamed and held his own head. "I told you not to tell that to anyone.

Jisung and Hyunjin had burst into laughter and Changbin was suffering with pain.

"You know, Minho, if you did it with a guy, even with protection, your problem would be solved."

"No thanks."

Jisung shrugged.

"Up to you, stds sound fun. Anyway, I have to go now, I'll see you...", he pointed at Hyunjin with a knowing look. "Tomorrow."

Hyunjin nodded and winked at him, before he left.

"You hit me so hard."

"You embarrassed me. Deal with it."

Hyunjin bit his lip, preparing to get hit as well.

"Jisung has a point, though."

"Tissues..." Minho muttered. "I should have brought tissues."


Sometimes I'm writing and my brain goes full crack mode I apologize.

Anyways... I might do a short story after this one cs I just had the cutest idea and then publish Rescue Team 👀

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