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The fact that one of my next projects is a straykids distopian and these guys just dropped an apocalypse themed trailer... FUCKNG HELL I LOVE THEM

Anyways, I'm not talking about it here cs I'm not okay yet 🥲

Try to not beat me up today, can we try that? :).

Alexa play the trailer os NOEASY bc yes lmao.

The second they got home Changbin ran to the bus, claiming he had something to do and could not have dinner with them. Felix tried to go with him, but the shorter somehow managed to get away.

He sat on the bus and put on his headphones, playing shuffle and sniffing when Neverending Story started playing. He tried the next song, and a tear rolled down his face at the melody of I don't want to admit, he tried to play other songs but ended up crying, again. He put the earphones away, hoping no one realized how aggressively he had done it, and laid back on the bus seat, closing his eyes and hoping sleep would come.

It didn't.

Instead he spent the whole trip hearing two ladies gossip behind him and trying to control his low sobs as his heart broke in little pieces every time he thought back to the weekend.

Changbin had never felt this way.

He had never felt so weak for anyone.

He had never wanted anyone that bad.

He had never cared so much.

And it had never hurt so much.

He knew it when he looked into Felix's eyes that same day when they arrived home. The taller had no idea what was happening, he didn't know what was Changbin's sudden need to stay away from them. But he could also see the fear in his eyes. The fear that something was wrong.

Probably fear that he somehow had found out.

The guy sighed and got up when the bus stopped next to his neighborhood. He stepped out and breathed in the fresh air of the approaching night, the sun setting and the empty street, the calm river and the closed shops making it all seem as empty as Changbin's heart.

He rolled his eyes at himself, trying to shake the feeling away, but more tears burned his eyes as he realized the pain in his chest was even physical. He slightly hit his own head, drunk on the desperation and put his hand to the pocket of the king jacket, dropping his bag in the floor and letting horns scream at the void as he realized the earphones had stayed in the bus.

After that he broke down, and only made it home by dawn.


"Open this door immediately, Seo Changbin.", the shorter rolled his eyes, ready to send his mom away for the hundredth time that monday.

He understood that she would be mad about him getting home late, but he didn't measure how worried she would be when she saw the state he was in.

He fell asleep and only woke up the next afternoon, which bangs on his licked door and his father telling him they needed to talk, or at least he had to go eat.

He heard the words. All of them.

About being worried about him, about talking and eating and everything else.

The only words that mattered, though, were on his phone.

Felix [21:30]

Changbin... where are you?
Your mom is going crazy
Please tell me you're safe...

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