Changes Pt.10

806 43 22

Song Choice: ABBA - Slipping Through My Fingers

7 year old (Y/n) sprinted through the long big halls of the Despair Facility. She thrashed her small arms back and forth in hopes of gaining more speed. But when one of her legs went a little too far back and her other foot's tip didn't make it back to the front but instead hit the ground, she bodyslammed right on the marble floor. She slid a few inches and her exposed knees skid against the ground making the skin turn red.

She immediately started crying and sat on her butt to look at red knees that had pricks of blood forming in a small amount. Her wails filled the ears of Lana who was around the perimeter so in a matter of seconds, came to aid the young girl in pain. "Why are you whining, darling?" Lana asked as she sat on the ground with (Y/n). The girl sniffed and said, "I fell."

"So? That's no reason to shed tears."
"It's not?"
"No. You only cry when you think you're about to die, nothing else."

Lana wiped her tears with her finger then smiled. "What's your favorite fruit?" "(favorite fruit)." (Y/n) croaked. "Perfect, let's go down to the cafe and get you one and then after you can come with me to murder a teacher's wife and children with a rusty machete so we can serve him their remains tomorrow morning." Lana said in an excited tone before the two walked down the hallway, hand in hand.


11 year old (Y/n) accidentally let her gun fall out of her hands once again. That was the last straw for her as she banged her small fists on the table in front of her, giving up.

"(Y/n)! Why are you stopping?! You're not allowed to go on break until 5 more hours!" Lana yelled as she walked around other tables where the other kids (Y/n)'s age sat while practicing loading guns as fast as they could. "I'm sorry Miss Lana but this is harder than I thought! I think it's impossible to load a musket 5 freaking times in one stupid minute!" Lana smacked the (H/c)'s head upside. "With that snappy, whiny attitude then it is impossible."

"Why are we even bothering with muskets? They haven't been around in centuries." (Y/n) complained. "You knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to do the assassin route instead of the Scholar route. Here in this route you need to learn to use every single weapon."

When (Y/n) still frowned, Lana sighed and picked up the long gun from the ground and placed it back on the table in front of (Y/n). "Let me walk you through it. It takes time to perfect this sort of thing so let me give you some extra assistance."


13 year old (Y/n) hid in the bathroom stall as she panted in panic, blood dripping down her leg.

Lana came into the restroom and banged on the only stall that was closed. "(Y/n)! What's taking you so long?! You've been in there for half an hour!" "M-Miss Lana! My healing factor is failing! I'm still bleeding! Like a lot! I'm bleeding from the inside!" (Y/n) shakily said as she tried to wipe the wet red liquids off her skin.

"Wait." Lana said with a deadpan expression. "Is the blood coming out of your cooch?" "Y-Yes." (Y/n) responded.

Lana instantly knew what was wrong and sighed. "Sweetie, that's just your period. Every woman gets it. Why do you not know? It should've been taught in your health class." "I probably was on a mission the day they taught it." "I'll go and get you options to choose from to catch the blood and I'll teach you how to use each one. I guess I also have to teach you about a period."

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