Rescue the Princess Pt.6

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Song Choice: Bonnie Tyler - I Need a Hero

"Right! I said right!" (Y/n) squealed as Klaus rounded a corner in the sloppiest way anyone could do.

"I thought you meant my right!" Klaus squealed back as he whipped the wheel around. Five held onto the safety bar with one hand and held a barf bag in the other since Klaus' terrible driving was making him sick. Five was originally gonna drive but (Y/n) surrendered the keys to Klaus who begged (Y/n) with droopy eyes and a quivering lip.

"We have the same right!" (Y/n) yelled in return. Klaus and Five had their plague doctor masks back on so they could freely walk about without being noticed.

When Klaus rounded another corner like a drunk Lightning McQueen he slammed on the break when a girl was in the way who now looked like a deer in headlights. "Melanie!" (Y/n) said as she caught her breath since the ride took it right away. Melanie came back to her senses and tilted her head. "(Y/n)? What are you doing with the creepy doctors? I thought you said you could tell they were pedo creeps."

(Y/n) felt herself freeze in place in a state of panic. How could she explain this? Now (Y/n) was an excellent skilled liar, basically a master at it but when she's in a big hurry it's hard for her to think on the spot. She was always prepared ahead of time usually. "Because..." (Y/n) started, waiting for a believable lie to just come out of her mouth. But it never came.

"one of the lunch ladies..." Five continued for her through his mask but realized he didn't know what else to say, "has been spreading..."

Klaus jumped in to save the day with the first thing that popped in his mind. "a yeast infection on purpose so that... she'll be the only fuckable girl here."

(Y/n) went along with the stupid story, since it was too late to change it without being too suspicious, to make it as believable as possible. "And we're on our way to find her with our alliance because..." "She has a violent puppet army..." Klaus finished with an awkward nod.

Melanie stared at the three which made them think that they were done for- "I'VE HEARD THAT TOO!"

The three pairs of eyes widened. Well that worked out better than they expected. (Y/n) nervously laughed, "Yeah well we better get going then." She said before scooting Klaus over so she could drive.

Melanie squinted in suspicion. "I know I'm hot but I am NOT stupid." She turned around to walk away but only ended up slamming into a wall. She turned back around to (Y/n) like nothing happened and then repeated, "I am NOT stupid." She turned around, this time not hitting the wall, and walked away. Klaus smiled and said to (Y/n), "I like her."

(Y/n) smiled sadly, she did too. Other than Lana, out of everyone in the Facility (Y/n) was closest with Melanie. Melanie may have been friendly and a bimbo but she was just as sick as everyone else in this place.

(Y/n) began driving through the halls, a lot better than Klaus might I add which made Five feel a lot better, to the direction of the closest exit.

Until somebody came out of nowhere, wrapped their arms around her and pulled her out of the cart straight to the ground. "BUSTED YOU SHITHEAD!" (Y/n) looked up at the familiar voice and face to see Tana standing over her with a triumph smile that made her want to cringe at how strange it was for Tana to smile.

Five and Klaus both jumped over their seats to get out until they were both at Tana's sides, ready to defend (Y/n) if things got ugly. "Tana? What the hell are you doing?" (Y/n) asked as she sat up to glare at Tana's excited face. Tana's sadistic smile slowly dropped and her gaze became a glare from hell that pointed at (Y/n).

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