Public Apology

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Hi everyone! There will be an update this Saturday but I felt it was necessary to shoot a quick apology!

I just want to deeply apologize for an offensive rape joke I made earlier in a chapter of this book. I won't defend my actions because at the time I didn't know limits to offensive humor and wasn't really thinking about it.

I'm sorry to those who have reached out to me saying that the joke wasn't funny. They explained that they did read the "dark humor" warning from the introduction but wasn't expecting something like that. I'm especially sorry to those who got deeply offended and/or disgusted (even possibly triggered) by the joke.

Being someone who has faced sexual assault many times I completely understand that rape should never be the center of a joke. Rape is not funny, and it's a huge problem all over the world.

I have went back and edited the line to something a lot less disgusting and more actually funny.

Again, I'm so sorry and I'm a lot smarter than I was back then.

Backstabber (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now