Rescue the Princess Pt.1

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Song Choice: Hadestown - Wait For Me

Grace successfully wrapped up Five's hurt ankle and sent him a smile that said "all better!". Five smiled in return before she left the room. After she did so, Five immediately put back on his sock over his bandages and tugged his shoe back on and walked out of the room. "Five, where are you going?" Allison called out as her and Diego were also getting ready to leave.

Five turned around like nothing was wrong, "I'm going after (Y/n)." Allison and Diego's jaws dropped instantly and looked at Five like he was crazy. "To kill her right?" "But isn't she, like, immortal or something?" They said to him. Five shook his head, "No, I'm not going to kill her. I promised myself I would never raise a hand to her. I'm going to reach out to her and help her get out of that insane asylum." Diego and Allison looked at each other and sighed.

Diego walked towards Five and placed a hand on his shoulder which Five immediately pushed off. "Five, she tried to kill you. If you go to her you won't come back to us alive and the apocalypse will happen. Everything you've ever worked for will be thrown away. I don't think she wants your help, she's chosen her path in life and you've chosen yours. And I'll tell ya right now, your paths are completely different." Five looked away, disappointed his siblings didn't see what he saw in her. "So please Five, don't go to her. Just forget about her, please, for us, for Vanya's safety and for the sake of the world." Five looked back up at Diego with determination in his eyes.

"You're right. (Y/n) doesn't want my help, she needs my help." "Five! She shot you! Why aren't you acknowledging that?!" Diego snapped. Five furrowed his brows in annoyance and said, "Are you really that stupid? Was I the only one that noticed the observation?" Diego looked at Allison who shrugged. Five exhaled, pinched the bridge of his nose for a second then dropped his hands into his pockets. "(Y/n) did shoot me, but her intent was not to kill me or injure me badly. She shot me in the ankle, but not exactly." Diego tilted his head, "I don't understand."

Five sighed again. "The bullet that she shot only grazed my ankle. If she really wanted to do some damage on me then she would've shot me somewhere more effective and life threatening or at least shot me directly in the ankle." Diego shrugged, still completely lost at what his brother was trying to say. "She probably just missed." Five scoffed bitterly, shaking his head with a smile. "Oh dear brother, that's like saying you miss when you throw a knife. (Y/n) doesn't 'miss', she's a professionally trained assassin, the best one might I add. She doesn't miss on accident, I don't even think that's possible for her. She wanted me to live so she made sure her shot didn't affect me because she cares."

Allison walked closer next to Diego and they both internally agreed that Five sounded like a lovesick loser school girl that was explaining to her friends on why she thought the asshole jock, who didn't even know she existed, liked her back. "Diego, we gotta go. We're running out of time, Vanya could be hurt right now." Allison said to Diego in worry. Diego looked at Five and realized he couldn't change his mind. "Fine, let's go. But Five, please be safe. We can't do this without you. Don't let your imagination cloud your judgment." Five felt confused. "Imagination?"

Before he could ask Diego what he meant, the two siblings were already out the door. Five soon left afterward but went a different direction than them. When he was last at the Commission he managed to get the coordinates to the Despair Facility, they were really old so he didn't really know if they were accurate but he decided to give it a try. As he turned the corner, where he planned to spacial jump to the devil's playground, he ran straight into Klaus who didn't look very well.

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