🎃💀Halloween Special💀🎃

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Hi guys!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Dudes this is my F A V O R I T E  holiday ever, like I wouldn't hesitate to trade in ANY holidays for a second Halloween.

So like I said before, instead of a chapter today I decided to do a lil Halloween special!

Here are some cute Halloween with (Y/n) and Five headcanons!

- Um, of fucking course (Y/n) celebrates Halloween religiously. It was an essential in the Facility to celebrate it and it's religious practices since the whole point of the holiday is so that the dead could walk the earth

- Five thinks it's childish and that it was only created by the candy companies

- But (Y/n) forces him to join her in all her Halloween traditions

- Five only agrees to it only if he doesn't have to join her in all demonic practices for Halloween

- Pumpkin spice latte's to lighten his mood a little bit

- Pumpkin carving is very fun

- Five grumpily objects to the idea but as soon as you put a knife in his hand...

- Oh my god he's got some skills

- He ended up taking it very seriously and took his time

- (Y/n), however, was terrible

- You would think that since she's very good with knives that this would be a forte of hers

- But no

- But at least she had more spirit than Five

- Five ended up carving a skull then smashed his knife at the top



"What even is that?"

"It's a crescent moon. What else?"

"(Y/n). You can't put that outside. It looks like a nazi symbol."

- She told Five that he had to wear a costume or else she'd never talk to him again

- Boy he was fast at coming up with an idea

"Five... what are you supposed to be?"

"Myself. That's the scariest thing you'll ever see."

"Five. I will cry."

- Klaus recommend they both go as Peach and Mario

- They shut down the idea immediately

- Five really didn't want to go all out and just wanted to keep it casual

- So the best thing (Y/n) could come up with is nothing other than...

- Freddy Krueger and Nancy Thompson

- But (Y/n) was Freddy and Five was Nancy who only wore a sweater identical to hers

- (Y/n) kept harassing him with her knife glove

- Five and (Y/n) would go to a haunted house just to have something to do since Five threw the idea of going to a party out the window

- (Y/n) enjoyed it way too much. She seriously needs to see a doctor

- Five is a fear puncher

- He got them kicked out half way through

- The second haunted house they went through... Five got them kicked out again

- He claimed that one of the scarers got a little too close to (Y/n) and their eyes lingered a little too long on (Y/n)'s exposing chest area on her sweater

- I mean it was true but he didn't have to straight up knock the guy off his feet and make him pass the fuck out

- (Y/n) was flattered

- But more pissed than grateful

- It was the last haunted house in their area

- Five absolutely refused to go trick or treating

- But Klaus came to the rescue and said that he'd get candy for both him and (Y/n)

- Klaus had one of those big inflatable costumes so no one could tell that he was way too old for free candy and just assume he was just a tall kid

- So (Y/n) and Five stayed home to answer the door for trick or treaters

- They would sit on the couch together and have a cozy moment then the doorbell would ring

- And boy Five would so annoyed each time

- Every time it was his turn to answer the door he would just straight be rude and roast the kids

"Why are you Michael Myers? You're like 7 why would your parents let you watch that movie? You see tits in that movie. Back in my day I wasn't allowed to watch movies with even the slightest bit of cleavage. Or have you not seen it and you're just trying to be cool? How about next tim-"

- Most of the time (Y/n) would have to come to the rescue to speed things along

- If it was (Y/n)'s turn to answer the door and there were boys her age there, Five would quickly run up next to her and immediately take over

- Throughout the night, Five gets more into it once he realizes that (Y/n) really does love Halloween

- The two of them just settle down and watch movies for the rest of the night

- At first just started out as classic kid Halloween movies since (Y/n) wanted to show him the movies he missed as a kid

- Then it moved to more scary movies

- (Y/n) laughed at the gory and scary scenes like the psycho she is

- Five would just critique and judge each movie

"Why would she drop the knife then run away? Is she actually that dumb?"
"Fuck that. If the killer fell to the ground then you have the upper hand to take that sucker out and kick him in the throat. THE DUDE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!"
"That's literally the worst cgi I've ever seen."

- (Y/n) would fall asleep on Five's shoulder

- He would remain perfectly still as to not disturb her sleep

- Instead, he just admired her

- Maybe he would celebrate Halloween again next year with (Y/n)

- Even though Five whined and complained and was just overall grumpy the whole time, the day was a solid 9/10

- Point was taken away by Five getting them kicked out of 2 haunted houses

( Author: Thank you @cynthiarosewood for the idea of a couples costume!😘 )


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