Rescue the Princess Pt.12

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Song Choice: Lady Gaga - Judas

( Author: Fun fact! This was the song that inspired this whole book and the relationship of MC and Five! )

"I never meant that much to her."

Five's cold heart was aching terribly and his eyes began to burn but still no tears sprouted. "I'll never mean as much to her as much she means to me. And that's just the ugly truth I have to accept." It was almost getting hard to talk with the lump in his throat. He felt like if he talked a certain way, or said a certain thing, he would be unable to talk from sobs. And he refused to let himself cry about this.

"But I'm just gonna swallow my tears and harden my heart." His eyes widened at what he just said. He just accidentally quoted a song from an album he bought for himself just because she liked it. Quarterflash.


Why did she have to engrave herself into his everyday life so much?!

Klaus flinched at the sudden volume in his voice but stepped closer nonetheless, wanting to help his brother through his heartbreak like a teenage girl. "You know Five. If it really hurts that much the best thing to do is to just... I don't know. Forget about her?" Klaus suggested.

Five snapped his head to him and looked at him like he just said the dumbest thing. "How could I forget that girl?" He snapped with his voice raised. "How could I forget someone who gave me so much to remember?" He was telling nothing but the truth. How could he forget someone as radiant and breathtaking as her? He just started realizing how absolutely alluring (Y/n) was.

He always just thought she was just aesthetically pleasing to look at. Nothing more or less than that.

Her (E/c) eyes, (H/c) hair, (S/c) skin, her (body type) body, and her clothing style just all complimented each other so well, she was like the perfect painting he couldn't keep his eyes off of. Like a princess-no. A goddess from a renaissance painting. She was the most appealing, winsome creature he has ever laid his eyes on. She literally took his breath away when he first saw her walking toward him, it was like an angel graced him with her presence.

He almost mistook her for an angel due to her lovely appearance, a heavenly voice that was soft like the clouds, her movements and the way her body moved was so elegant, and her mysterious personality and manner was so graceful and captivating.

She was just so bewitching.

But now he wasn't sure if she was an angel or the devil.

He was told many times that he should be afraid of her, that he shouldn't trust her.

I guess the more people told him to stay away, the more drawn he was to her.

He wanted to be near her but everyone was pulling him away. But he just kept clinging back to the demon named (Y/n) like a stupid blind simp. She was so different, not like the others he has met on this planet. He just thought no one understood her. He felt so connected to her due to their similar trauma and it made him not want to lose the one person that could understand him.

That's why absolutely nobody on the face of the earth could replace her.

She was dangerously irresistible but just like Klaus said, bad girls get ya down. He risked his life, his own brother's life, his plans, he risked it all for her. But she betrayed him. She tried to kill him. His heart still hadn't grasped onto his situation fully, it just hurt too much. He was always usually the one that did the betraying. But this, it just... hurt almost too much, he really couldn't describe it.

Backstabber (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now