I Heard a Rumor Pt.1

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Song Choice: Melanie Martinez - Play Date

"Where have you been?" Five asked his scar faced brother who just bursted through the door. Five fortunately was able to sleep last but unfortunately slept terribly. He thankfully couldn't remember his dreams which he could just feel that they were bad ones, most likely about (Y/n).

Five knew that the only thing he could was move on and stop the apocalypse, without her.

Of course it hurt, it hurt extremely, but he had more important things going on than stressing about someone who sold him out, double crossed and deceived him, and broke faith with his delicate trust. He knew it was no one's fault but his own. He always knew to not place trust in anyone, if you want something done right you always gotta do it yourself. But he broke his own rule and believed in someone for once, now look where that got him.

"Jail. Long story. Where's Luther?" Diego asked, running around.

"Haven't seen him since breakfast."
"Yeah. Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid."
"Shit. Allison is in danger."

Five and Klaus exchanged worried glances before Diego asked another question. "What happened with your little misunderstood comrad?"

Five displayed a look of disappointment as his eyes fell to the floor. He wished he could just go a day without (Y/n) somehow being mentioned. "It was a waste of time. But forget about her, we have more important stuff going on."

Diego copied the disappointed face and ran his tongue over his teeth, debating if he should give a little "told ya so" but based on Five's crestfallen attitude and tone, he knew this is a touchy subject he shouldn't poke at. "Sorry man, I know how much you liked having her around."

"Doesn't matter anymore." The coffee addict responded quickly. "Now that our partnership is off... I bet (Y/n)'s singing a new tune and having the time, of her, life." Five said with bitter sarcasm.


"Oh come on! Just a few more blocks! Please! Barely a mile!" (Y/n) screamed at her taxi driver that just threw her out of the cab and onto the dirty city sidewalk.

"Sorry (nickname based on your appearance), 2.70 per mile."

"Come on just one more mile! I have 1.90, just take it! Please! I'm running out of time!"

"You're a dollar and 80 cents short for another mile. Sorry kid, I got places to be." The driver with a scruffy beard and eyebrows said before closing the door from his seat himself.

( Author: Sorry if my math is wrong with the cost to anyone who cares about it, I tried to do it in my head )

He drove off without another word leaving (Y/n) no choice but to run the mile to the Umbrella Academy mansion. She sighed grumpily and lifted her foot behind her, using her hand to stretch it up to her butt. She did the same with her other leg and stretched her arms before beginning her tempo run.

She's had to run laps and miles for training in the Facility before so this wasn't as bad as she really made it out to be. The way they trained you to run faster was not telling you that something was chasing you if that's what you thought but instead telling them they were running after something they really wanted that would only be available for a certain amount of time. (Y/n) always thought that was stupid but now that she really was chasing after something important to her, she now understood why that was their typical encouragement.

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