Rescue the Princess Pt.7

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( Author: Surprise! Early update! )

Song Choice: The Greatest Showman - Tightrope

"It's funny that you think I'm the disgrace. You're the most disloyal person I've ever seen in my life. Who's side are you really on?" Tana's smirk grew at the sight of (Y/n)'s surprised face. "Lana's? Or Five? Or are you switching back and forth like a cheater? You really think either side will forgive you after the truth comes out?"

(Y/n)'s face drained of color and she gulped. What was Tana implying?

Suddenly a group of other teens in the Facility rounded the corner with their matching ice cream's to find the four of them. "Don't just stand there you idiots! Get them!" The group of teens all looked to each other in confusion. Why would they attack (Y/n), who was one of them, and two of their doctors?

"For my sake." Tana grumbled and used her weak wobbly legs to scramble up and shoved (Y/n) out of the way. Tana really was 2 steps ahead of her as she tugged off both Five and Klaus' masks at the same time and turned to the group of teens with a 'see?' look on her face.

The teens still looked as confused as before, if not then more. Tana's eye twitched.


It finally clicked in the group's minds and they all dropped their ice creams to the floor and pulled out guns or knives or other weapons they had on them in sinc. Five wore an irritated expression. Seriously? They all had to have weapons on them at all times?

"Why is this place full of evil deranged insane murdering psychopaths?" Five asked, annoyed. (Y/n) turned to him. "Hey!" "No offense." Five responded quickly.

The group started stalking toward the three of them with their weapons ready and Five was a little too cocky and confident that they could take them. "Come at us! You're all a bunch of tiny penis sucking-" (Y/n) slapped her hand over his mouth to stop him from provoking the psychos about to attack them. The rest of Five's vulgar insults were muffled by her hand as she tugged him with her to turn around so they could get away.

That was until she heard the last voice they needed to hear right now in the opposite direction of the group of teens.

"Ew! It's a hero!"

The three pairs of eyes panicked when they landed on the disgusted face of Lana Griz. The kid that Tana sent to get her was on her right and the other woman she was with in the filing room was on her left, playing with her own fingers.

"(Y/n), get away from them! They might have a disease! And not the fun kind!"

(Y/n) panicked even more. Fuck. They were screwed. They were caught. Everytime (Y/n) would attempt an escape, Lana would always be the final boss to get past. And she's failed all the times this scene would play out. The one time she actually did get past Lana, (Y/n) just ended up crawling right back to the Facility. Right back to her own torture. But not this time.


Of course.

But maybe...

(Y/n) let go of Five and wrapped her hand around his sleeve instead and grabbed Klaus' wrist and made a break for the vents. Klaus immediately understood her plan and pulled himself up to the top of the golf cart, (Y/n) and Five doing the same. (Y/n) and Five knocked a few teens off the cart if they got too close.

(Y/n) was thankfully just tall enough to reach the low vent and used her elbow to make the cover open. (Y/n) lifted herself up in an extremely quick hurry and Klaus copied her actions but in a less... graceful way. They both thought Five was right behind them as Klaus followed (Y/n) as she led the way but Five saw Lana run down the hall.

He was not going to let that bitch get away.

Not after everything she's done to (Y/n)... He had to get rid of her in order for (Y/n) to be truly free. And he was not going to pass up this chance.

Without saying a word to Klaus and (Y/n), he jumped off the golf cart, spacial jumping away from the group of teens and giving a Tana a nice, harsh body slam against the wall which weakened her enough to stay down. The kid that was next to Lana before came at Five with a switchblade but Five quickly eliminated him with one simple punch in the eye. He then spacial jumped behind the dark haired woman, swiftly grabbed the 45 from her back pocket and simply shot her in the head.

Before her body even hit the ground, Five ran off to the direction of Lana's escape. He stripped himself of the doctor uniform quickly as he ran and his Academy uniform was now exposed. When he rounded the corner he saw her running only about 30 feet ahead of him. She seemed to hear him behind her because when she turned her head to see him which made her quicken her steps. Five glared and ran as well to try and catch up to her, which can't be that hard since she was wearing heels. Right?


(Y/n) and Klaus crawled through the tight vents with bent arms and knees, almost an army crawl. Klaus said something but (Y/n) was too focused on crawling as fast as she could to listen or understand what he said. "What about you Five? Do you feel like we're in Disney Channel- Five?" Klaus said as he looked over his shoulder and back to see no one behind him.

"Man we suck at the buddy system (Y/n)." Klaus said. (Y/n) hummed in response but when she also looked over herself, her panic returned. "Oh my god! Five!" (Y/n) cried out. She tried to turn around but Klaus wouldn't let her. "He'll find us, trust me." (Y/n) gulped hard and nodded. But then she thought of an idea. Since they're still in the vents, they could go past different rooms and find him.

"Follow me."


It was a lot harder trying to keep up with the blonde woman in stilettos than Five expected. She had much longer legs and Five kept forgetting about his short child legs. It seemed that Lana had somehow lost track of where she was going since she cornered herself at a dead end.

"I'm lost in my own art!" Lana cried out, hoping one of her followers might come and assist her.

Five finally caught up to her and smirked when he noticed he had the upper hand in this situation. Lana turned her body around and glared at Five with eyes that looked like windows to the fiery gates of hell. Lana just noticed from the corner of her eye that she was right next to large doors that she remembered lead to their largest gym. She didn't waste Five another glance when she bolted toward the doors, pushing them open and running into the stadium lit up with blue lights.

Five followed her in and fired the gun toward her, making her stop in the middle of the gym.

The bullet only passed her ear.

She slowly turned around with a sick smile. It honestly made Five want to throw up.

"THAT was your plan to stop me?" Lana said with a chuckle, finding it rather funny.

Five was beyond confused. What was wrong with trying to stop someone with a gun? It annoyed him greatly as Lana looked at him like he was pathetic.

"Every villain you could ever think of kneels before me while shaking in pure fear. You really think a small little gun can scare me. And guess what, I like fear though. I love it. It fuels me. And you really think you can use fear against me?"

Five pushed away all his nerves he felt were getting worse that Lana had given him. She didn't scare him. She was just... unsettling. Just like (Y/n) said earlier, being near Lana makes you sick and comfortable. And Five was now a perfect example of this.

He lifted the gun, aiming it at her. He honestly didn't care if it scared her or not, he just wanted her gone.

Lana's smile remained.

Five readied the trigger as him and Lana had a stare down, similar to (Y/n) and Tana's.

Five was about to fire the gun and kill Lana Griz until her few words immediately stopped him.

"If you shoot me then you'll never be with her."

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