The Day That Wasn't Pt.2

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Song Choice: Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho

Five shot down the last fake mission down the tube before the Handler's words stopped him. "You know that's not how we do things here." He turned around, not knowing what to say now that he's been caught. The Handler did nothing but smile sourly. "Where's Gloria?" Five shrugged, "Don't know. Couldn't find her anywhere." Five accidentally let his eyes wander to Gloria's unconscious body and Handler caught it right away when she looked behind her.

"You're a great disappointment to me. You can't change what's to come, Five. I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. You're a first-rate pragmatist. You belong here with us."

"I don't belong anywhere, thanks to you." Five snapped. Handler lowered her gaze. "Is this about (Y/n)?" Five felt his eyes widen. "Oh my god." The Handler said, lowering her hands in shock and realization. "You're in love with her." She said just above a whisper, feeling as if it didn't register in her brain.

Five felt his face and heart drop to the ground. 'What?'

"That's why you want to believe she's not a bad person like the rest of her Wonderland gang. She's a mentally unstable psychopath. Five, you can't fix her, she's already gone insane." Five couldn't hold it in him anymore. "She's just broken and manipulated! That's all! Leave her out of this! But you made me a killer!" Five snapped.

"You were always a killer." Handler reached in her garter and pulled out a gun. "I just pointed you in a direction."


Suddenly (Y/n) (L/n) jumped in from appearing out of thin air (since one of her colleagues teleported her there) and stuck her arm in the way of Five, letting her arm get shot instead of Five. Five gasped out of surprise when the said girl seconds before appeared in front of him. "(Y-Y/n)?!" (Y/n) turned around to him with a smile as her bloody shot wound near her elbow already began to close up. "Just thought you needed help." Five smirked, "Good thing our abilities balance out then. We're gonna conquer the world one day, (Y/n)." The two nodded at each other with determination.

Five hooked his arm with hers despite the butterflies in his stomach and the slight heat in his face as he remembered what Handler said moments before.

"You're in love with her."

'Maybe I am... No, I can't be, I shouldn't be. It would never work out, I can't risk losing her and going through pain if the apocal- Oh my god don't think about that now of all times.'

Five hooked his arm around (Y/n)'s and spacial jumped them both out of the way behind something. "You came back." Five said in between sweats and his eyebrows furrowed. "I told you, you needed help." (Y/n) responded. "Couldn't stay away huh?" Five said with a smirk. The two smiled at each other but their sweet small moment was interrupted by the sound of the alarms and flashing red lights.

"What's the rush, Five? We're just getting started." Handler kept shooting to around where they were, (Y/n) making sure she took all the close bullets that could potentially harm Five. Five had his back pressed against the wall as he avoided all the shots and (Y/n) made sure her back was blocking him. When Handler got a little too close, Five would grab (Y/n) again and spacial jump them somewhere else.

Five tried to push multiple things into Handler but she'd either dodge, block or reverse the obstacle. "Is this how you want the last line of your report to read?" Five spacial jumped with (Y/n) behind her, using the walls next to him to steady his person as (Y/n) still stood in front of Five as protection. Five smirked at Handler, knowing she can't do anything to him as long as (Y/n) was with him. 'What was Handler talking about? (Y/n) isn't evil at all, I know it... Right?' "When I'm done, I'm done, I guess."

Handler snapped herself around still clutching her gun. "You can't keep this up, Five. We both know that even you have a limit. I saved you from a lifetime of being alone." She hovered her finger over the trigger and tried to aim around (Y/n) who was preparing herself to take another hit. "You owe me." The gun clicked, telling her she had no more bullets. She silently growled and looked back up at Five who was smirking in victory. She glanced at (Y/n) who also smiled in relief then back to Five.

"She won't protect you forever Five. I thought you understood me when I said she's a traitor who's out of her mind. When the time comes she will kill you and won't care about it at all." (Y/n) glanced behind her in a nervous state. Five glared at Handler but decided not to respond but instead said, "You're right Handler, I do owe a debt." He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and spacial jumped them closer to the exit. "But it's not to you." He pulled out a grenade, took the cap off, threw it to the ground of the Handler's feet, and pulled (Y/n) with him behind the wall to avoid the fire explosion.

Five spacial jumped them once again without a warning, even though all those jumps were making (Y/n) a little dizzy, into the time traveler suitcase room. He ordered (Y/n) to go wait for him outside the room as he grabbed the suitcase he needed in a hurry. He threw another grenade in there and ran out the room. He was about the grab (Y/n) to time travel but she wasn't where she was last. In a hurried panic he whipped himself around in multiple directions looking for the girl, losing time. He heard a window creak and looked up to the ceiling window to see the last glimpse of her legs climb out of the Commission.

"Oh come on. Again?" He muttered, getting tired of her ditching him all the time, as he clutched the suitcase close to him as he time jumped back to the past, erasing the whole day.

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