Calum Hood

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QOTD- what other bands do you like besides 5sos?

i really like ATL and Mayday parade


You felt something warm slid under your legs and across you back supporting it and felt yourself being lifted off the couch were you previously laying on. Your eyes snapped open staring into chocolate colored ones. Your eyes scanned up a bit and noticed his tanned inked skin and charcoal colored hair; it could be only one person Calum. "Um... Calum what are you doing?" His brown eyes darted down and landed on me.

"Oh! Um... your mother wanted me to come and check on you." He answered as he began walking to your room.

You remembered that your parents left for the day, saying that they needed to visit your distant family. You refused to go, saying that your aunt and uncle were boring and since you were nearing that 'special' time of the month, they agreed that it would be best for you to stay, especially since you convinced them that if you needed anything you could call Calum to come help you.

"And you were asleep on the couch, I thought you would be more comfortable in your own bed", he said nearing your room. it amazed you how easily Calum lifted you, almost as if you weighted nothing more than a backpack, a backpack that he treated so delicately in his hands.

"That's sweet Calum, but I can walk there myself." You chuckled as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, making him smile and held you even closer so you wouldn't fall.

"No can do, what kind of boyfriend, so just stay put and let me be the romantic boyfriend for the day".

"Calum, please, put me down. Please Cal", you said as you gave him your best puppy dog eyes and a small pout.

"Oh! o-ok, but only because you know that I can't resist you when you do that face", he said as he lightly kissed your nose as the tall gentle teen crouched down so and you could gently let you slip out of his strong tan arms.

You landed and stretched out you back a little, Bad move! A very bad move!! A shooting pain spread throughout your abdomen, almost as if someone was twisting your insides. You let out a hurtful groan and hunched over one hand clenching you stomach the other holding on to Calum's arm for support almost digging your nails into him.

"(Y/N)!? Are you ok?" he said worriedly as he looked all over your body, trying to find something that what was wrong, making you lean into him almost as if he could take your pain away, so you wouldn't feel whatever pain you were feeling.

Tears weld up in your eyes clouding your vision. Calum slid his arms under your knees and across your back gently plucking you from the ground once again. Your ear lay over his rapid pounding heart. Was he really worried about you that much? With a few strides of Calum's long legs, you were laying in your bed, your head resting on the soft pillow. Calum's chocolate color eyes stared down at you in panic. "(Y/N) what's wrong? What hurts?" you pointed to the bathroom to embarrass to tell him that you were starting your period soon and you were just starting your menstrual cramps. He turned to look the direction that you were pointing at, and walked into the bathroom. You heard the creak of the cabinet under the sink open and close. Calum immerged from the bathroom, bright red.

"So u-um t-that's what's wrong..." He trailed off awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you have any pain killers?" you shook my head no, your face still twisting in pain.

You felt a dip in the bed as Calum sat on the bed and tugged on the hem of your shirt puling it up, above your navel. Your cheeks grew red at his actions, he usually didn't do anything to you without your permission, always being a gentleman to you. But as you looked up his eyes, you knew that this wasn't anything sexual, it was him genuinely caring about you. Your stomach began to churn, and it wasn't because of your cramps, but because Calum was staring you're your exposed body, because even if he was going to help, he couldn't help but blush at how beautiful you were in his eyes to him.

"Um...Calum what are you doing?" his brown eyes darted up and stared into your (E/C) eyes, finally realizing that this may not be ok with you.

"I learned a way to get rid of menstrual pain", he admitted shyly.

"Where did you learn that from?" not knowing how he would know such a thing.

"Well Mali always rubs her stomach when she has cramps, so I thought I could do the same for you", he said hoping that he isn't overstepping any boundaries.

"Oh ok." He let out a sigh feeling better that you didn't.

Your head landed on the pillow as Calum's warm calloused hand gently touched your stomach. Your breath hitched the moment his warm hand made contact with your skin. His warm hand slowly began to start messaging your stomach, rubbing small hard circles, making you wince at how bad it felt. A few tears escaped your (E/C) eyes and rolled down your cheeks.

"Calum it hurts..." you spoke with a weak and quite voice, clenching the hand that was massaging your stomach, hoping that he would stop.

"I know, it'll only hurt for a moment." He spoke with a calm and quiet voice, leaning down and kissing your tears away, and placing small kisses on your face, hoping to distract you. Calum continued kiss your tears away and as time passed, the pain started to numb pretty soon it was completely gone. You began to relax into his touch, leaning against your bed enjoying feeling his hand on you. Calum noticed this and soon began using both your hands to knead into oyur stamch. He treated you a temple, worshipping your hoping that this pain was gone for good. He smiled as he saw how blushed your face was, and placed a soft chaste kiss on your lips, and slowly began move your lips against his. His lips moved sensually against your as his large warm hands gently messaging away at your (S/C) skin. Calum's hands soon disappeared and so did his lips, leaving you with your shirt up as he stared down at your body.

"Did that help at all?" he asked.

You sat up and hugged him "Yes, the pain's completely gone!"

You leaned back dragging the kiwi down into the plush blankets with you. His chin was resting on your (H/L) (H/C) at the top of your head. He laughed as he started to grab your sides and tickle you. He was hovering above you with a smile etched on his face, as he continued to tickle you. You tried you push him off up couldn't.

"Calum stop", you said breathlessly.

"Not till you say that you love me", he said with a huge smile.

"I love you Calum Hood", you said as you looked straight into his chocolate colored eyes, finding the perfect opportunity to finally push him off your body, making him land right next to you. He let out a giggle and wrapped his arms around your body pulling you in close to him. His warmth enveloped you making you just lean into him, with a smile on your face. You yawned and snuggled into his tone chest his heart pounding in your ear, as another yawn escaped your lips.

"Are you tired?" His voice vibrated threw out his chest.

"Yeah..." you tiredly replied.

"Then sleep I'll stay with you until wake up."


"Of course I love you..." you heard him whisper the last part.

He looked into your (E/C) eyes, taking in all your features. The way your eyes glimmered at him, the way that the smile on your face was just for him, the way that he could spot a faint blush dusting your cheeks. You closed your eyes, as both your lips slowly inched towards each other. It was soft and sweet, His lips where as hot as molten lava. His tongue licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened my mouth allowing him in, like the many times you did before, making the familiar tingling sensation course throughout your body as your hand ran through his hair. Your lungs began to begin to burn, craving the oxygen they needed to function. You pulled apart, panting as you both had crimson blushes covering you both from head to toe.

"I love you." He spook with a quiet voice.

"I love you too", you said as you kissed the tip of his nose, and crashed back into the soft blankets. He let out a chuckle as he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as his nose nested at the top of your head as both of your eyes fluttered shut. "Sleep tight (Y/N)..." He whispered out before kissing your temple.


*creds to tumblr*


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