How You Meet

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QOTD- what do you think about sounds good feels good so far?


[ Ashton ]

You've been a waitress at a small run-down diner for the last year trying to save up enough money to get into college. The job is pretty shitty – the diner's located in a sketchy part of the coast, and the customers are usually gross guys who make vulgar comments about your butt and never tip well considering the patience involved in serving them. You've just cleaned up the booth of the last group of drunk guys when you hear the tinkle of the bell on the front door. You let out a huff. Here we go again.

"Ill be with you in a second" you call tiredly.

You finish wiping up the booth, turn around, and are face-to-face with a tall, skinny, blonde haired boy about your age. He's dressed in all black and has a dirty looking beanie on, but despite his choice in clothing, his sparkling eyes and goofy smile put him out of place in this tired old diner.

"Table for one?" you ask quickly, surprised at how close he is to you, "Or would you rather just sit on me, since you don't seem to know what personal space is."

"Oh, s-sorry." he stutters, his smile faltering. You should feel bad, but you're too worn out to worry. "Three, actually" his eyes fail to meet yours. "I've got two lads coming in any second."

As if on cue, two equally tall and skinny boys walk in. One blonde, another with electric pink hair. You roll your eyes. Wannabe rock guys.

Your annoyance slowly fades however as you serve them; their polite and respectful manner toward you is uncommon. They don't pay too much attention to you, but you notice the one in the beanie sneaking glances at you when he thinks you're not looking. By the time they've eaten and have walked out, you're relieved to no longer have that boy staring at you.

That relief is short-lived when the door opens again and the beanie boy reappears.

"Hi, my friend said he forgot his wallet, and I volunteered to come back and get it" he says quickly, looking at your shoes. He doesn't even wait for your reply before he rushes over to their booth and dives under the table. He emerges with a black wallet and, avoiding your eyes again, hurries for the door. Just as he was about to leave you in slight confusion, he turns on one heel to face you.

'What's your name?" he blurts out.

"y/n" you reply, almost as a question.

"y/n" he repeats with a nod, almost to himself. He turns around and reaches for the door handle, but spins around to face you again.

"You're really pretty." His eyes widen in horror as he realizes what he said. "I mean, you seem like a really nice person, and I just wanted to know your name because I thought... I wanted to know if maybe..."

As he rambled on, you couldn't help but crack a smile. He was endearing in the lamest, most ungraceful way, but he was nonetheless.

"What's your name?" you ask, saving him from trying to explain himself.

"Ashton," his eyes finally meet yours nervously.

"Well Ashton, my shift ends in five minutes, so maybe you'd like to walk me home?"

Suddenly the smile he had when he first walked in returns. "That would be super."

[ Calum ]

You hate everything about airports; the crowds, the lines, the fact you cant bring more than three drops of liquid through security. Everything about them put you in a bad mood. And your mood just got a whole lot worse now that you discovered your flight has been delayed for two hours. You're sitting grumpily in a shop sipping a crappy latte when you make eye contact with a guy across the room from you. His hair is tousled and his eyes squint as he smiles at you. One of his three friends notice him looking at you and whisper something to him that makes him punch him in the arm, but he never looks away. He's cute, but you're not in the mood for this right now. But of course, he takes the dismissive smile you give him as an invitation to come over. As he makes his way over, you pretend to get an urgent phone call.

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