Ashton Irwin

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QOTD- how old are you?

I'm 14

For @camerondallas_doe

Ashton, your boyfriend of 3 years, had been acting very unusual lately. He was always zoning out and he looked very stressed. He would hardly talk to you and it was starting to worry you. You decided to text Luke to see if he knew anything.

Ash has been acting weird lately. Do u know what's up?

A few minutes later your phone buzzed, signaling a reply. Your heart stopped at the words the screen showed. Anger bubbled in the pit of your stomach and tears blurred your vision.

We r leaving for tour tmrw that might b y

Tour?! They were going on tour? You threw your phone against the wall, shattering the screen. You let a scream out before shoving your face into the soft pillows surrounding you. You couldn't believe that Ash had forgotten to tell you he was leaving.

Your bedroom door swung open to reveal a topless Ashton. "What's wrong, babe? I heard you scream from the living room," he asked worriedly. You glanced at him, hot tears rolled down your face. You felt betrayed that he would forget about you.

You two always told each other everything. When you needed to vent about how much you hated your boss or Ash needed to talk about a argument he had with one of the guys, you came to each other. Him just forgetting about you wasn't something that would slide under the radar. You were angry and hurt and he needed to know.

You ignore his question and sit there glaring at him. He walks closer to you and puts his large hand on your arm but you shove it off. "W-what did I do, y/n?" His worried eyes search your angry ones.

You couldn't handle being silent anymore. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT DID I DO?' YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME YOU WERE LEAVING FOR TOUR TOMORROW!" You yelled. Frustrated, you run your band through your hair. You still can't believe that you had to find out they were leaving through his best friend.

Tons of emotions filled his face at once but it settled on guilt. "I didn't mean to forget. I guess I just was very stressed and..." He said trying to make up and excuse.

You wipe away the tears falling down your face and walk towards the door. "I hope you have fun, Ash. I really do. But don't bother calling. Maybe I'll see you when you get back," you say. Each word you utter is like a new stab wound in your heart. You reach for the doorknob but look back at Ash. His face is broken and hurt.

You gulp and open the door. You make each step painfully slow, waiting for him to say anything to keep you from leaving. Not a word is said. You whisper one more thing before leaving the house. "I love you, Ash."

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You are beautiful :)

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