Calum Hood

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QOTD- fav 5sos song?

Mine is heartbreak girl or out of my limit :)

For @mackattack_5678

You looked at yourself in the mirror, disgusted. You were about to get in the shower and you were examining every inch of your body. You hated every single curve. You thought you were fat so you starved yourself.

You looked away before getting in the shower for your date with your boyfriend, Calum. You didn't know where you guys were going, Calum wanted to surprise you.

After showering and getting dressed, you moved onto your make up and hair. 20 mins later you were in the car with Calum. He reached over and squeezed your hand. "Where are we going?" You question.

He smiles. "You'll see." He says, winking. After a bit of driving you arrived. When you stepped out of the car your stomach dropped. He had taken you to an expensive restaurant.

"Cal, we don't have to go here," you pleaded. He laughed and grabbed your hand, walking towards the restaurant.

"Nonsense. I want to take you out somewhere other than the movies, this is perfect! Now c'mon!" He says. You gulp but follow him anyway.

'Ill only eat a little and then get rid of it later," you thought to yourself.

After looking through the menu you decide to just get a small appetizer for dinner. After ordering Cal looked at you.

"Aren't you hungrier?" He asks. You shake your head no but your stomach argues, growling loud. He laughs. "Don't get something small if you're hungry! I have enough money if that's what you're worried about."

You shake your head. "No really, it's fine. I'm not hungry," you argue.

"Just get something bigger Mack. It's fine. Really."

You groan. "No! It's fine Cal!"

He rolls his eyes. "Mackenzie! I have enough money just get something! I know you're hungry!" He flags down a waiter and orders you a big pasta before you can argue.

"Calum! I said I didn't want anything!" You almost shout.

"Yeah but you also said you weren't hungry when you are. Just let me be a good boyfriend and buy you dinner." He tries to reason with you.

"I don't want food though! I haven't even eaten that much for almost 2 months! Why can't you just leave it!" You shout before your eyes widen. You can't believe you just told him that you haven't been eating.

He looks shocked. "You- you're- wha- Mack! You haven't been eating?! Are you crazy!"

"No, just fat. And I don't need anymore food to make me fatter. Especially not pasta!" You say, tears blurring your vision.

He reaches across the table and grabs your hands. "Mackenzie you are anything but fat! You're like a size 2 or something! That's tiny!!! You don't need to starve yourself, do you know how bad that is! Please eat something for me!" He pleads, looking into your tear filled eyes.

"Why should I?" You almost whisper.

He smiles and squeezes your hand. "Because I love you and want you to stay healthy."

You look at him shocked. That's the first time he had every said he loved you. You find yourself nodding. "Alright. I'll eat a little."

He gets up and does a victory dance. You just laugh and let him continue. He finally sits back down and looks at you. "I know this will be a long road back to recovery but I know you can do it! I love you so much Mack. I really do," he says. You blush and smile back at him.

First 5sos imagine! :) tell me what you think!

10 votes for next update! :P

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