Calum Hood

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QOTD- have you ever had braces?

I did for 2.5 years and it sucked

For @Derpingxniall

You sighed as Calum's phone went to voicemail for the 8th time in a row. You had been trying to reach your boyfriend all day but he failed to pick up.

You grabbed your shoes, phone and keys before heading out to your car. You decided to check on him, making sure he wasn't sick or hurt. You stopped by Taco Bell on the way and got yourself some lunch.

A small drive later and you were at Calum's house. Since you basically lived there you just walked right in without knocking.

"Cal?" You shouted. No response. You walked into the kitchen and set down the food you got for Calum. "Calum?" You questioned once again. Still nothing. You were about to leave when you saw a purse sitting in one of the chairs. Confused you picked it up and tried to see if it was someone that you knew.

Drawing a blank you set the purse back down and walked towards the stairs. You contemplated leaving or going upstairs. Curiosity got the best of you, so you trekked up the stairs. You walked down the hall and froze when you heard a noise.

You listened for a few moments and nothing else happened so you kept walking. You opened the door to Calum's bedroom only to have your heart shatter into a million pieces. "Cal?" You whisper. Tears blur the horrible sight in front of you.

Calum retreats his lips from the brunette and looks at you. As soon as he realized who it is, he scrambles off the girl. "Shelby! Wh-what are you doing here?" He questions, wide eyed.

"Y-you weren't picking up your phone. I-I came to check on you..." You trail off trying not to cry. He takes a step towards you but you back up.

"Let me explain. Please?" He questions. You shake your head as you feel the tears start to fall.

"Just leave me alone! We are done!" You shout. Anger and hurt courses through you. You can't believe Calum would cheat on you. You turn and run down the hall. You hear Calum close behind but you don't dare look back.

"Wait up Shelby! Let me explain!" He says from behind you. You stay silent and keep running. The tears fall more rapidly now, making it hard to see.

You finally make it outside. You run towards your car before Calum can speak again. You sit down and lock all the doors. You decide not to drive in such a unstable state. You sob into your hands as Cal taps on the windows. You ignore him and keep crying.

"Shelby! Unlock the doors and let me explain!" He shouts from outside. You cry until you can't cry anymore. Calum had left you alone a couple of minutes again. You wipe your face before starting the car and driving off.

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