How you meet

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QOTD- do you have a twitter?

If you do follow me @suicidaiucas (shameless self promo)

"Welcome to Starbucks," you greet, trying not to sound as bored and tired as you felt. "Thanks," you hear a sweet Australian accent reply. You look up and are greeted by a familiar looking boy. You know him as Calum Hood from the band 5 Seconds of Summer, one of your favorite bands. You try not to let your fangirling show, acting like he was just a normal customer. "What would you like?" You ask, hoping he doesn't notice how nervous you are. "Can I get four chocolate chip frappes, four cake pops, three doughnuts and a marble loaf?" He asks politely. "Sure," you reply, grinning. "It's not all for me!" He adds quickly, making you giggle. You quickly package all the food he asked for before putting the four drinks into a carrier and placing it on the counter. He scurries over and loads his order in to his arms, shooting you a shy smile. "Enjoy!" You say briskly. "You too!" Calum replies. "I mean uh thanks!" He corrects, his mountain of food nearly toppling over. You couldn't help but giggle. "Sorry," he mumbles, blushing. "I just get nervous talking to pretty girls."


You hurry through the mall, trying to locate your ringing cell phone in your enormous purse. You know it's your mom calling you- you were supposed to be home an hour ago. You just lost track of time. You are too preoccupied with your phone to notice the boy hurrying in the opposite direction, until you collide. The contents of your bag spill across the floor and you groan. "I'm so sorry!" You hear the boy in front of you say. You look up and find that he is rather attractive. "That's alright," you say, stooping down to reclaim your belongings. The boy kneels beside you, assisting in the cleanup. "I'm Michael, by the way," he says as he hands you a tube of lip gloss. "Hi Michael. I'm y/n," you reply. "Well y/n, I'm really sorry about this. I should have been watching were I was going," he sighs. "I'm just supposed to be meeting my friend here and I was running late." You smile. "It wasn't your fault," you counter. "I wasn't watching either, I was trying to find my phone. I was supposed to be home awhile ago and my mom is gonna kill me," you explain. He laughs and you can't help but laugh too. "Here's your phone," he says after a moment, handing it back to you. "And again I'm so sorry," he adds quickly, rising to his feet. "Don't worry about it," you insist as he helps you up. "I really gotta go though," you explain before darting off. Later at home you peon your phone to see a new contact added; "MICHAEL THE CLUTZ :)"

This isn't mine- creds to tumblr. I will post Luke and Ashton next week sorry I didn't do all of them I was busy 🙈

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