Michael Clifford

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QOTD- have any of you met 5sos? If you have GIVE ME DETAILS ;)

I haven't met them and probably never will :'(

For the beautiful @Kennedy_Clifford

You were meeting Michael at the studio. Him and the boys were recording their new album and they invited you to listen to them record some songs. You were walking up the stairs to the studio when you see your ex-boyfriend. You suddenly remember that he worked at this studio.

You tried to look down and avoid him but he noticed you. "Kennedy? Kennedy? Is that you?" You looked up and waved at him.

"Oh um... Hi...." You said, pretending like you forgot his name.

"Andrew," he replied.

"Oh right. Andrew," you replied. He just smiled at you. You remembered that smile. He was the last guy you dated before Michael but you and Andrew broke up years ago.

"I haven't seen you since high school," he said, oblivious to the painful memories that he brought with him.

You nodded. "I know right. Long time no see. Look... I uh I really gotta go," you said pointing towards the building. You started for the stairs when he grabbed your hand.

"Wait Kennedy. Don't you think we should catch up? Maybe go out like old times?" He questioned, biting his lip.

You shook your head. "I don't think so," you said, almost at a whisper. You turned to walk away again when his grip tightened. You tried to pull your wrist out but he wouldn't let go.

"Let go of me!" You yelled. Fear rose up in your body and your heartbeat quickened. "Let go!" You yelled once again.

Fortunately someone heard you. The door opened to reveal Michael. "Let her go!" Michael said before pushing Andrew down the stairs. He ran over to you and hugged you.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, looking into your wide eyes. You have never seen Michael act like that before. You nodded, letting him know that you were fine. "Let's go." He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers before leading you inside the studio.

This one was ok, I guess. I can make you another if you want, Kennedy. Just inbox me :)

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