How you meet

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QOTD- has it snowed where you live yet?

It's snowing rn


You and your friend wander through the fair looking for a ride without a long line, you complaining about your feet hurting. Suddenly your friend interrupts your whining by hitting your arm wildly. "It's 5sos!" She whispers frantically, staring off at a group of teenage boys. She whips around to look at you, not noticing the utter confusion on your face. "We have to talk to them!" She adds. "Who?" You asked lost. "5 seconds of summer," she sighs exasperatedly, nodding towards the four guys. "Please y/n!" She pleads. Your eyes flicker to the boys and you hesitate. You had to admit they were cute, but you weren't very good at talking to cute boys. "Don't make me beg!" Your friend drops to her knees dramatically clinging to your feet. "Get up!" You say quickly, pulling her up and ignoring the weird looks you got. "Please," she repeats. "I'm not very good at talking," you sigh. "I'll talk! Just come with me," she offers. "Fine," you say, raising your hands in defeat. She grabs your wrist before you can change your mind and drags you over to the group of guys, now all watching you and your friend curiously. Your friend finally stops pulling you when you're only a few feet away. "Hi," she breathes out nervously. "I-I uh..." She looks at you for help and you sigh. "I'm y/n," you say taking a step towards them, "and my friend wanted to come talk to you guys." You shrug, showing your confusion. Your friend nods wildly and the three boys then their attention to her. You notice the fourth, a particularly cute one with dirty blonde hair, grinning at you. You smile back timidly. "I'm Ashton," he says, sticking a hand out.


You made your way through the groups of dancing teenagers attempting to find your friend, the host, and wish her happy birthday. You were never really one for parties. You scan the crowd every so often, hoping to catch sight of her. Finally you see her waving to you across the room. You hurry toward her and she pulls you into a hug. "Happy birthday!" You shout over the music. "I'm so glad you came!" She shouts equally as loud. You open your mouth to say something else when someone comes up to your friend and shouts something about being out of chips. Your friend nods and turns back to you. "I gotta go grab some more food!" You nod that you understood her. "Here!" She offers, grabbing the arm of a boy you hadn't noticed standing by her and pulled him towards you. "This is my cousin, Luke!" She shouts. "Luke this is y/n!" He smiles shyly. "You two hang out!" She instructs before speed walking away. You and Luke both look at each other and you laugh awkwardly. He leans forward so his lips are my your ear. "Wanna get out of here?" He invites. You nod gratefully and he grabs your hand.

Sorry for not uploading last week. I was so busy

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