Luke Hemmings

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QOTD- what should be next imagine be about?


You smiled as you felt the crisp fall air hit your skin. Fall had always been your favorite season. The colorful leaves, cool air and warm clothes were too hard to resist. You loved just walking around town while dressed in boots and a warm hoodie, drinking homemade hot chocolate and looking around at the people passing by.

You took a sip of your hot chocolate and sighed in content. You couldn't get enough of fall. As you looked around you saw a tall guy running towards you, a pack of young girls not too far behind. Confused, you walked a little bit closer. He was running right in your direction and before you could move, he knocked right into you.

"Sorry!" A deep smooth voice said. He grabbed your hand before you could protest and pulled you off the ground and along with him. He continued running from the giggly girls, you along for the ride, until he swiftly turned a corner and hid behind a car.

Out of breath and confused, you prepared to scold the boy for dragging you along. "Who-," he cut you off by covering your mouth with his cold hand. He pressed a finger to his lips, signaling to be silent. You rolled your eyes but complied.

Not long after, the group of girls came running by. "I think he went this way!" One shouted, pointing the opposite way. The boy sighed in relief once they were out of sight. You on the other hand were quite mad.

"Who do you think you are!" You all but shout. You take a moment to look at your kidnapper. He was quite attractive, you must admit. He had dazzling blue eyes and blonde hair, styled into a perfect quiff on top of his head. The black lip ring glinted off the fall sun and added to his charming looks.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to drag you along. I couldn't stop and help you though, the girls would have got me. I'm Luke, by the way," he replied. Still confused and a bit mad, you started to walk away. "Wait!"

You turn back around and put your hand on your hip. "Yes?"

He bites his lip, making him even more attractive. You internally swoon. "I didn't get your name," he cheekily smiles.

"I'm y/n. I'm still confused as to why there were girls chasing after you," you reply, desperately wanting answers.

He scratches behind his neck, a universal sign for nervousness. "I may or may not be in a band and we may or may not be a little bit known," he sheepishly replies.

You blink, not expecting that answer at all. "You're in a famous band?" You question.

He shakes his head and stuffs his hands in his sweatshirt pockets. "I don't like to think of us as famous but yeah I guess we are known. It's called 5 Seconds of Summer. Maybe you've heard of us?" He replies. You smile at his humbleness. Most guys would have bragged about being famous and having a big fan base. Humbleness was a breath of fresh air.

"You must be pretty big if you have groups of girls chasing you around town," you giggle. He lets out a sweet chuckle as well. "I actually haven't heard of you, to be honest," you admit. They must be really good if they are so well known.

"I can fix that. We have a gig later today. Maybe you could come see us? I have a couple extra tickets if you want to bring friends," he offers. You think it over. It couldn't be that bad. A free show with your friends would be fun. Plus you could always leave if it wasn't.

"Sure!" You smile. He hands you the tickets and tells you all the gig information. You get more excited by the minute. As you are about to leave, Luke calls out again.

"Y/n! Wait! Can I... Can I have your n-number?" He asks, getting flustered. You can't help but smile as you recite your phone number.

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