Calum Hood

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QOTD- fav color?

Mine is green :)


You sat down at a bench in the train station, taking out your phone the pass the time. Someone sat next to you causing you to look up. A boy about your age sat there. He had dark hair with blonde highlights in the front, tan muscular arms and a few tattoos. His brown eyes were concentrated on his phone. He was quite attractive.

You quickly turn your attention off the boy, afraid that he would catch you checking him out. "I saw you," a deep voice says. You realize it's the boy and you blush.

"Uh, what?" You say. You turn your head towards him and and find his twinkling eyes staring back at you.

"I saw you looking at me," he clarifies even though he knew you heard him. You nod your head, embarrassed that you were caught.

"Sorry," you mumble. He laughs and you find yourself smiling.

"Don't worry. I think you're quite beautiful," he replies. You two start talking and you come to the conclusion that he is very funny. When the train comes, you sit next to each other. You learn that his name is Calum and he's in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. He plays bass and sings.

The train ride is over way too quickly for your liking and before you know it, Calum is out of your sight. You sigh, upset that you let him get away. He was funny, humble and very attractive, something you don't find very often. Usually boys sleep with girls and then leave.

You search for him but the crowd is far too large and you aren't very tall as it is. You give up and head to work.


The next day Calum was at the bench waiting for you. You talked all the way to work again before losing him in the crowd.

Day after day you and Calum met. You got his phone number after a few weeks but you don't use it often. You enjoy talking to him face to face.

Six months pass and he asks you to be his girlfriend. Now you have been to his apartment a few times and seen his band preform. You met his band mates who are quirky and funny, just like Calum. They come to love you like a sister.

A year passes and Calum goes on tour. The train station is lonely, as is your heart. Times are getting tough. Balancing school and work while wanting to go out with your friends but also have time to talk to Calum is stressful.

Three months later you and Calum break up. You are both stressed and he's been away for far too long. You feel as if you are holding him back and you can't bear the thought of being in the way of his dreams. You realize that you love him too much to do that to him.

A few years pass and different guys come and go but they never measure up to Calum. He was by far the best boyfriend you've ever had. He loved you with all his heart and you loved him right back. But he's famous now. He's probably forgotten all about you. He has millions of girls that would be lucky to have him.

You click out of Calum's twitter page and turn off your phone. You were one of the first fans of 5sos and you still did love their music. And their bass player. You hadn't seen Calum in years but you continued to look at all his social media. He had over 4 million followers on twitter. He was living his dream.

You looked at the time and decided to head to the train station. The walk there was cold and bitter. When you finally made it inside the warmth you couldn't help but sigh. You bought a coffee to warm you up more and went to wait for your train.

You sat down on the bench where you met Calum and closed your eyes. "Excuse me?" A voice startled you, drawing you out of your daze. You open your eyes and almost scream.



Somebody on twitter gave me this idea and I thought it was adorable!

Comment what you thought (:

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