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Luke: “I have one more present for you,” Luke says, getting up from his spot beside the tree and running to the bedroom to retrieve his gift. “Luke, we said one present each!” you remind him, feeling instantly guilty that he had gotten you more than you got him. “It’s just something little,” he responds as he re-enters the room with a box. “Okay,” you give in, smiling up at him as he hands you the gift. You unwrap it, confused by the DVD you find inside. “What is it?” you ask. “I’ll put it in,” he offers, taking it from you and popping it into the DVD player. He takes a seat beside you on the love seat, cuddling up to you as the words “What I Hope Will Be Only the Beginning: A Documentary” lights up the screen. You let out an “awe”’ smiling up at Luke. He gives you a nervous smile before directing your attention back to the screen. "Luke, where are you going?" Calum’s voice said from behind a camera. "I’m going on my first date with Y/n," Luke said with a nervous smile and a thumbs up to the camera. "You finally grew some balls and asked her out?" Calum asked. "Yeah, I did," Luke laughed. "Are you nervous?" Calum further inquired. "Of course," Luke sighed, "She’s really pretty." "Yeah, she is," Calum agreed, "Oh, by the way your hair looks stupid." You chuckle as you watch Luke rush to a mirror and the screen go dark. You’re then watching a video of Luke that you guess was taken by a fan. "Is Y/n here?" the girl behind the camera asked Luke. "She’s up in our hotel room. She didn’t want to take away from me meeting you guys, I think," Luke explained with a shrug. "You should tell her to come down next time!" the fan suggested, "We all want to meet her." "Really? You guys like her?" Luke asked hopefully. "Of course! She’s gorgeous and seems really nice," the fan stated, "And in all of the pictures of you guys you look really in love." "Yeah," Luke sighed, "She’s great." "Do you love her?" the fan inquired. "I - I think so, yeah," Luke answered, blushing, "But I haven’t told her. I probably shouldn’t have told you before her." Luke laughed and the fan did too, assuring him she wouldn’t say anything. "That’s cute," you whisper to Luke, who grins down at you but quickly reverts his attention to his movie. The next scene is a video Luke took himself. "Y/n is asleep I think," he whispered to the camera, moving through the dark tour bus. He pulled back the curtain to his bed and found you curled up in his blankets. "Jet lag is killing her," he explained to the camera. "She’s so cute when she’s asleep," he sighed, the camera shifting around as Luke climbed into bed next to you. "Goodnight," he kissed your forehead before shutting off the camera. The next shot is one of Ashton, Michael, and Calum. "What do you all think of Y/n?" Luke asked from behind the camera. "She’s a loser," Michael said instantly, flipping off the camera. "Michael, be serious," Luke whined, making the others laugh. "What is this even for?" Michael inquired. "You know what it’s for," Luke sighed, "The video!" "Fine, fine," Michael chuckled, "I think Y/n makes you really happy and that’s cool." "She smells good all of the time," Calum piped up, making the others laugh and nod. "She’s not a very good cook," Ashton admitted. "And she isn’t very good at FIFA," Michael chimed in. "You’re supposed to be saying nice things," Luke explained with a light laugh. "Right, okay," Ashton began, "She’s always really nice to us." "The fans seem to love her," Calum added. "She has nice hair," Michael stated. "And nice," Calum began, moving his hands to his chest. "Calum!" Luke scolded. "Wait is she gonna see this?" Calum asked, eyes widening. "Yeah," Luke answered, making Ashton and Michael burst out laughing as Calum blushed. "I was gonna say nice style!" Calum insisted, smiling innocently. "Okay, you lot are no help," Luke laughed before the camera went black. You wipe tears of laughter from your eyes as the screen lights up with the next video. "Where are we going, Luke?" Luke’s brother, Jack, asked form behind the camera, filming Luke trudging through the snow. "We’re, uh, we’re going to the jewelry store," Luke said shyly. "And why is that?" Jack prompted. "I’m gonna pick out a ring for Y/n," Luke answered. "Why?" Jack inquired. "Because I love her," Luke answered. The screen goes black for the final time and you turn to Luke, not fully believing you get it. “Y/n,” Luke began, pulling a ring from his pocket and dropping to his knee, “I want all that to be just the beginning of you and I. I want us to be able to show our children that video and show them how in love we are. Well, I’ll cut out Calum commenting on your boobs, but anyway, I love you. Will you marry me?” “Of course,” you respond through tears, allowing him to slip the ring onto your finger before you drop to the floor beside him and cup his face, kissing him with all the passion you feel.

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