Luke Hemmings

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QOTD- fav youtuber?

I have too many to name

For @mebeallamacorn

"Hey y/n! Look at my awesome dance moves!" Your boyfriend, Luke, exclaims. You look over at him from your comfy spot on the couch and burst out laughing. Luke is probably the worst dancer you've ever seen.

"Luke stop! You're blinding me!" You reply, shielding your eyes. He stops his awful dancing before tackling you into the couch. He holds you down while you try to squirm away.

"Take it back," he says, dead serious. You can't help but laugh. He's not amused.

"Or what?" You challenge. His fingers find your sides before you can stop him and he starts tickling you. You laugh until tears are pouring out of your eyes. You use your feet to try to kick Luke off but it's doesn't work. "S-stop. I c-can't.... Breathe," you gasp.

"Say 'Luke Hemmings is the hottest, awesomest boyfriend ever and he can dance really well," he smirks. You don't know how much longer you will last this torture.

"N-never," you giggle back. He starts to tickle you faster until you finally give up. "F-fine. Luke H-hemmings is the hottest... And awesomest b-boyfriend ever.. And he c-can dance really well," you finally gasp out. His fingers retreat as you catch your breath. "I hate you," you mumble.

"No you don't. Now let's make cake," he says skipping to the kitchen. You follow suit, after making sure you could breathe properly. Luke gets out all the ingredients and starts mixing them together.

You grab an egg and act like you're going to crack it in the bowl before smashing it on his head. "Y/N!" Luke shouts. You start to run out of the kitchen while laughing like a madman. Sadly, Luke has extremely long legs and he caught up to you in no-time. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you back into the kitchen.

"LUCAS! LET GO!" You shout. You bite his hand, trying to escape. He takes the bowl full of all the dry ingredients and dumps it all over you. You breathe in some of the flour before coughing, creating a white cloud. "This is war!" You declare.

You grab the carton of eggs and start throwing them at Luke. He grabs the milk and the flour before hiding behind the counter. He grabs a cup from the table and pours some milk in it. While throwing it at you he yells "MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU!" He adds some flour on you before you throw another egg at him.

When you run out of eggs, you surrender. Luke is covered in egg yolk and some flour. You're covered in milk and flour. The rest of the kitchen looks like a war zone. You both burst out laughing at your childish food fight. "I love you, y/n," Luke days before pecking you on the lips.

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Finding Carter looks promising. I watched the first 2 episodes last night

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