Michael Clifford

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QOTD- have you ever seen 5sos in concert?

I have not :/

"Hey y/n," you boyfriend of 3 years greets you. He pecks you on the lips before plopping down on the couch next to you.

"Hey Mikey," you reply. "What's up?"

"I want to dye my hair. Will you help me?" He says, batting his eye lashes. You giggle as he pouts and you soon agree.

"Of course! What color are you dying it?" You ask. He smiles before pretending to zip his lips shut and locking them with a key. "You do realize that I will be helping you so I will know the color, right?"

He flushes in embarrassment as you laugh at him. His laughter soon joins yours. "Fine. I'm dying it purple," he finally says.

"Pretty! Let's go get the stuff for it!" You say before jumping off the couch and heading to the store. Michael picks out the hair dye while you get some cheap towels to cover the bathroom floor in.

Once you arrive home you both run to the bathroom and put down the towels. Michael starts mixing the stuff together before getting the bleach. "Ok y/n. Can you put this in my hair?" He questions. You gladly take the bleach before covering his head. Then you bleach the ends of your hair so you can dip dye it purple.

"We can match!" You say as Michael laughs. After letting the bleach sit and then washing it out, you go back to the bathroom and start putting dye in his hair. You accidentally get some on his favorite shirt.

"Y/n! You got it on me!" Michael whines. You couldn't help but giggle as he sounded like a little child.

"Sowwy," you reply in a baby voice. He evilly grins at you before taking the dye and throwing some at you. It lands on your nike shorts. "Michael!" You fume.

"Oops," he smirks. You take some dye and throw it at him. "OH IT'S ON!" He yells before getting the bleach.

You throw purple dye while he chucks bleach. Your clothes are completely ruined but luckily the bathroom isn't. "I'm a genius!" You randomly shout.

"No you aren't!" Michael playfully yells back, hitting you with more bleach.

"The bathroom is saved because of me! I'm a hero! I deserve a medal!" You reply. You frown as you realize there is no more dye left to throw. Michael ceases fire when he runs out too.

You take one look at Michael before bursting into laughter. He quickly joins you. "Abs! I feel abs!" You choke out. This creates more laughter. When you finally both calm down you change clothes.

"We need more dye! C'mon y/n!" Michael says before skipping to the car. You follow him. People stare at you weirdly when you enter the store. Half of Michael's hair still had the purple dye in it and half of it is bleached. You giggle at the thought of what you look like before dragging Michael towards the dye.

After purchasing the product and driving back home, you meet Michael back in the bathroom. "Let's do it right this time."

Teen wolf is tonight!!

Comment what you thought! 40 votes for an update :)

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