Michael Clifford

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QOTD- least fav subject?

Mine is physics 😑


You sighed as you looked around at everyone around you getting asked to homecoming. There were flowers and teddy bears and a ton of candy, but none of it was for you. Your boyfriend, Michael, was on tour and was unable to make it back in time for homecoming. Your friends were planning on going as a huge group but it wouldn't be the same without Mikey and his funky dance moves.

You quickly walked to your next class and away from all the proposals. This was going to be a long week.


You unlock the door to your house and drop your bag on the ground, only to be greeted by a giant poster.

Go to the place that we first met <3

You almost screamed. Michael was home! You quickly grabbed your keys from your bag and dashed out the door. Trying your hardest not to speed, you finally made it to where you and Michael first met; the food court.

You and your friends had been shopping for hours when you finally convinced them to stop and grab a bite to eat. "I'll get the food, you guys get us a seat," you order to your friends. They give your their orders before leaving you to get them. You walk to Subway and wait in the semi-long line. After reciting the orders and paying, you spin around only to run into someone. You gracefully drop the food and change before falling on your butt. "I'm sorry!" A smooth yet sexy voice calls out. You can't help but notice his adorable accent. You look up into the warm hazel eyes of a handsome guy about your age. "Oh-oh no it's f-fine. I'm okay," you stutter. He smiles and you just about faint. He holds out a hand to help you up before grabbing the bags full of food and handing them back to you. You blush before thanking him. "I'm Michael."

You walk to the subway counter where there is another, slightly smaller, posted waiting for you along with a bag of your favorite chocolate.

Go to the place where we had our first date (:

You grab the chocolate and poster before leaving the mall and heading to the bowling alley.

"Mike!" You giggle. "I don't know how to bowl!" You blush at the confession and hide your burning face behind your hands. He pulls your hands off your face and looks into your eyes. "I'll just have to teach you," he says smiling. You smile back and intertwine your fingers before walking into the bowling alley. The whole night was filled with giggling and awful bowling. "You didn't tell me you sucked at bowling too!" You laugh at Michael. He was an awful bowler, almost worse than you.

You run into the bowling alley and quickly spot another poster being held by a giant teddy bear.

Go to the place of our first kiss 💋

You smile at the memory of your and Michael's first kiss together. You lug the life size bear out to your car before driving back home.

Mikey stopped the car and dashed out of his side to open your door. "M'lady," he says in a posh accent making you giggle. "Thank you, kind sir," you reply, mimicking him. He helps you out of the car and walks you to your front door. "I had a great time tonight Mikey," you shyly admit, turning towards your door. He spins you around and kisses you before you can even comprehend what happened. After a second of shock, you kiss him back. You both smile into the kiss, before he breaks away. He pecks your lips one last time before he pulls back. "I did too, y/n. Hope we can have a fifth date," he says.

You get home but see no other car in the driveway. You walk onto the porch and see another poster with a small box sitting next to it. You open the box and gasp. It was a necklace with your and Michael's initials carved into the back with a heart on the front. You quickly put it on before looking at the poster.

Go to the place where we first said "I love you"

You unlock the door and run into your room where Michael is waiting for you. "MIKEY!" You scream before jumping into his open arms. "Hoco?" He whispers into your ear.


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