He's Your Neighbor pt 2 (cake/4)

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QOTD- what do you think of she's kinda hot?

Tbh at first I was kinda iffy about it bc of the name but I LOVE IT



"Guess who?" Someone's familiar voice asked, as the same person covered your eyes with their large hands. Your lips twitched into a small smile, it was totally obvious who this was and he knew that well. You placed your tinier hands on top of his, prying them off your face as you turned to look at your friend. "Calum," You playfully slapped the tanned boy on the shoulder, earning a giggle from him. "The one and only," Calum responded, plopping down beside you. It was lunch break and you were enjoying your time alone in the library, reading John Green's Looking for Alaska when someone rudely interrupted your reading. You weren't that surprised though, this usually happens and you've gotten used to it by now. Calum peered over your shoulder, his eyes cast on the page you were on and asked you the usual, "What's that about?" You chuckled, shaking your head as you shut the book, knowing you weren't going to get any reading done now that he's here. "Oh, you know, the usual John Green. Tragic love story and all," You shrugged, placing the book inside your backpack. You nudged him, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. "How was soccer practice?" Calum grinned, "Oh, it was great. Tiring but great," You've known Calum for a few months now, it was already half-way through the school year and you've grown really close with Calum and Michael. You three were practically inseperable by now, and you wouldn't have it any other way. "What? No screaming girls this time?" You teased. Calum's popularity has grown since his first week in school, he joined the soccer team and girls have started to notice him then. He's also grown a lot in terms of height, and he became slightly more built than he used to be, due to all the training he had to undergo in soccer. You know that there were always a small group of girls watching soccer practice, and you recently learned that they're only there for Calum. You began teasing him about it, but you can tell that he secretly likes all the attention. "No, the only screaming girl I want to watch me is you," He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss onto your nose. "Shut up," You felt your cheeks heat up, and your boyfriend of three weeks just kissed your nose one more time. "You're adorable."


"Hey," Luke's raspy voice whispered, his breath fanning on your cheek as he slung his arm around your shoulder. You shoved the blonde boy off you, grimacing as you pretended to rid yourself of the nasty morning breath he exhaled onto you. "Gross," He pouted, placing his hand over his heart as his face contorted into one of mock pain. "That wounds me, Y/N, I'll have you know that I brush my teeth four times a day and rinse with Listerine afterwards," He stated, and you shook your head with a playful smile. "Wow, you brush four times a day. Badass." Luke giggled, causing you to giggle along with him and you punched him lightly on the arm. "It's such a beautiful day," He smiled, pulling you closer to his body. Walking to school with Luke every since that day has been a daily thing for the two of you, and eventually, you finally warmed up to the boy. He wasn't as intimidating as you thought he was, he was an absolute sweetheart and you learned to shove your insecurities to the side as you grew closer with him. "But today isn't as beautiful as you are today!" He added, smiling a little as your cheeks turned into a dark shade of pink. Luke managed to sneak into your room one day and read your diary, he was pretty much okay with your crush on him and he doesn't change the way he acts around you. He has implied that he liked you back a few times before, but he isn't really looking for a relationship at the moment and you were alright with just that. You were content with what you had with Luke, it was already what you wanted and more. Best friends with hidden desire for one another, that sounded pretty much okay with it. Kinda. "You suck," You bumped your hips with him, shoving him off as you rushed to get a headstart, knowing he'll probably chase you down. And he did, as you predicted, and wrapped his arms around you to catch you, stopping you from running away further. He spun you a few times, which made you giggle as you told him to put you down a number of times. You felt him kiss your cheek lightly, his lips brushing against your skin, making your breathing hitch. "I like you a lot," he murmured under his breath, his grip on you tightening for a moment before he finally placed you back down on the ground. He placed his large hand on top of your head, grinning your way, "Don't fret, I'll make you mine one day. Just wait a little while, okay?" You nodded rapidly, cheeks flaring as he laced his fingers with yours.


*creds to tumblr*

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