How he hugs you

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QOTD- who would you kiss, kill and marry- your fav band member/singer, your fav actor(actress) and your fav youtuber

I would kill Superwoman (youtuber), kiss Dylan O'Brien (actor) and marry Luke Hemmings



He's much taller than you so he likes to hug you in a way that your head always rests right where his heart is. He tells you that "you're the only reason it's beating." He holds you firmly to him, his hands on your lower back pulling you towards him as he rests his chin on top of your head. It makes him feel like he's protecting you when you're cuddled into him like that. You love hugging Luke because somehow being to close to him feels so intimate and he always holds you for the longest time.


He's always so cheeky when he hugs you, usually having both hands on your backside as he rests his forehead on yours. He likes being able to see your reactions, and watch as your eyes crinkle when you laugh every time that he squeezes your bum. When he does you usually end up jumping or gasping loudly which results in Calum giggling before pulling you to him and kissing your cheek.


He makes you wrap your arms around his neck and tells you to stand on his toes as he holds you securely by your hips. He always asks you to stand on his toes so that you're just as tall as him. He loves it when you do this as he has easy access to your lips that he loves so much.


He likes to hug you from behind and wrap his arms around your waist. He holds you tightly to his body, his hands linked together and resting on your stomach, yours resting on top of his. He always nuzzles his face into your hair as he claims that "it's smells really good, like coconuts!" You never complain because you like how he makes you feel safe when he's close.


Creds to Pinterest! (: comment what day I should start uploading on. I'm thinking Sundays

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