He cheats

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QOTD- fav color?

Mine is either blue or green



You had never really gotten hate from the fans, just a few angry messages here and there. Ashton had always said it was because it was impossible to hate you, it was one of the many reasons you loved him as much as you did. If anyone on twitter or tumblr ever started on you, the fans would be there backing you up with sweet hashtags and telling you how perfect you and Ashton were. Which was why you were extremely confused one day as you logged onto twitter to see you and Ashton’s ship name trending and hate from lots of the fans. Most girls were saying things like ‘@Y/T/N: i’m so sorry for you!:( really thought you two were cute! I really thought he loved you!’ You clicked onto one of the online links to see articles of Ashton and some girl who looked younger than the pair of you, cuddling, kissing and looking like they really were in love. You couldn’t believe it. Tears came streaming down your face, you couldn’t help it. You could feel your heart breaking. “You alright Y/N?” Ashton called, coming in from the kitchen. “Babe! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He ran over to hug you. “Don’t touch me.” You whispered, looking down at your feet. “What?” You could hear the panic in his voice. “Don’t touch me, Ashton!” You shouted. “Don’t talk to me, don’t come near me, leave me alone!” You pushed your way past him and began running up the stairs to pack a bag. You locked your bedroom door and began throwing things into a small pink carry bag you had borrowed of a friend a while ago. Ashton was banging on the door, calling for you to talk to him. More than anything, you wanted to go out there and slap him, but you couldn’t show him how much you cared. You dried your eyes on one of the towels in the bathroom suite, and walked out of your room, carrying your bag and holding your head high. “Please I can explain, just talk to me.” You couldn’t believe he said something as cliché as that. You walked down the stairs and got your keys. “Chloe I-” It was like a thousands punches in the stomach, it made you physically sick. ” Chloe? Is that her name? Pretty name, pretty girl. Prettier than me anyway. I hope you and this ‘Chloe’ are very happy together. Because I, hate you, Ashton. I hate you.” And with that, you left him, you slammed the door, and got into your car. You drove for a bit then pulled over, and cried for what could have been hours.


You and Michael had been together for 3 years, and they were the best three years of your life. He was always treating you like a princess, and you loved him with all of your heart. After Michael finished recording for 5SOS’s new album, he had a while off work and decided to take you to Fiji for a month as an early birthday present. You hated it when Michael spent too much money on you or bought you over priced things you really didn’t need, but you had to admit, you were really excited for this trip. As you were packing a week or so before you were set to leave, you dropped your phone down the side of the bed after Michael had thrown a shirt at you, making you jump. As you leant down to reach for your phone, your hand brushed over what felt like one of your bras. You pulled it out, thinking you must have kicked it under the bed or something by accident. But you had never seen it before. It was too small for you and it definitely wasn’t the type of bra you would wear, too red and too lacy. “Michael?” You asked, your voice cracking. “Yeah babe?” He replied, turning to face you. “Whose is this?” You demanded, throwing the bra at him. He turned pure white and his face crumpled. “I know this looks bad bu-” You cut him off, crying ” Really? It ‘looks bad’? Michael, it is bad! I loved you so much! I loved you through everything and you don’t even care?! You were supposed to be different! You were supposed to be the one!” You screamed at him, as you tried to stop crying. “I am Y/N, I am the one! I love you so much! You’re my world, it was just a stupid mistake, I don’t even care about her! I love you, no one else, just you!” He said, running his hands through his hair, “You have a funny way of showing it!” You shouted, grabbing your bag and running out of what was your home.


"Hello, Y/N?" it was 3 am in your country and your boyfriend, Calum, was calling from the other side of the world, probably thinking it was like 3 pm like where he is. "Hi Calum, hows tour going?" You asked, trying to sound as un-sleepy as possible. "It’s, um, it’s good. Y/N I need to tell you something. Promise you’ll just listen, and won’t hang up?" You knew something bad had happened. His voice was cracking, it was obvious he had been crying. But you were in no way prepared for what he was going to say next. "Last night, I went out for a drink at this bar, Ashton and Michael were away for food and Luke couldn’t have came. I wasn’t going to stay that long but then I met a girl at the bar who recognised me and asked if she could buy me a drink." You knew were this was going, and the breathe hitched in your throat, your chest became tight and you were becoming extremely dizzy. " We talked for a while and then Teenage Dream came on in the bar." ‘Our song.’ You thought to yourself wiping tears of your face. " Our song." Calum said his voice cracking again. " Tasha, that’s the girl, asked me if I wanted to dance and I was quite drunk so we did, but then a slow song came on and we kissed." Calum paused for a moment, you could hear him sob on the end of the line. "I took her back to my room and Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t me-" You had to end the call. You knew he asked you not to, but you couldn’t you just couldn’t listen to him anymore. You were depressed as it is. You missed him so much. You had no one. You had moved to be with Calum and all you did was stay in your house day after day. You knew nobody in this town and all your old friends seemed to have forgotten about you. "No one needs me." You thought to yourself, "Why am I still here?" 


You had been asked to be a bridesmaid at your best friends sisters wedding, and obviously you had said yes. You and Penny had been friends for years, but her sister was quite shy and held back. So you happily agreed to be a bridesmaid for her. On the night of the rehearsal dinner, you and Luke had went around, taking countless photos until finally, it was time for food. Free drinks had been sent around all night, but you and Luke decided it would be better to not have a hangover for the wedding, the bride, did not. She drank countless glasses of wine and champagne until eventually she needed to throw up her guts, and pulled you into the bathroom with her. Great. Fabulous, even. “Why did you say yes to being my bridesmaid, Y/N we barely know each other?” She drunkenly giggled in the bathroom. “I mean, it’s not like we’re that close!” She laughed again. “Well Penny’s like a sister to me, so that means you kind of family.” You smiled wishing the woman would take a mint already. “Yeah Penny must be a great friend, after all, she did sleep with your boyfriend.” She slurred laughing at you in the mirror, “What, didn’t you know? It didn’t only happen the once! I mean how could you be so stupid you didn’t even notice?” You couldn’t believe this. Was she serious? She was always so shy and reserved. It must have been the alcohol, but why would she lie? “A-are you being serious?” You barely even whispered it. As she tossed her phone at you telling you to read through the messages between her and Penny. The latest being about how her and Luke had ‘spent the night at a beautiful hotel’ and how she ‘really hates you and can’t wait until Luke notices what a bitch you are and leaves you’. You lean back on the sink. Tears rolling down your face.”Well, bye!” You hear the stupid drunken idiot laugh stumbling out of the bathroom. About 15 minutes later, Luke’s head pops around the door to the bathroom. “Y/N, love, are you okay in there?” You sob quietly, as Luke comes in with a sympathetic look on his face. “Has the Alcoholic Bride been saying stuff to you too?” You look up at him, hatred in your eyes as you wipe away your tears. “Yes, Luke, she has. She was telling me how stupid I was. For not realizing my boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend behind my back!” You shout, and push him as hard as you can. It doesn’t have much effect though. As the colour drains from Luke’s face and his eyes mist over. “Y/N, it wasn-” You cut him off with another push, “Save it, Luke, I want you out of my life. I want nothing more to do with you. Once a cheater always a cheater.” You say making your way past him.Luke’s sadness turns to anger and he pulls you back towards him “You’re not leaving me, you can’t. I love you Y/N.” He says. “Funny Luke, because I did love you, but now, I hate you. I really hate you. I can’t even stand the look of you!” You shout, tugging your arm out of his grasp. “No one hates me more than I hate myself!” He shouts and smashed the mirror you were standing in front of, not minutes before. You shake your head at him, how dare he act like the victim. You somehow manage to get all the way home without crying once, but the moment your through your bedroom door, you slide to the ground, your emotions running wild.


*creds to tumblr*

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