Ashton Irwin

5.8K 159 45

QOTD- sweet, sour, salty or spicy?

Sour is the way to go 👐

You clicked the upload button and sat back, looking at your computer. You had just finished editing your cover of 5 Seconds of Summer's song Wherever You Are and were in the process of uploading it to YouTube. You started your YouTube account a few months back, posting awful quality videos of you singing. You had quickly gotten popular much to your surprise.

You got a better camera and started uploading weekly to please your growing fan base. You had just hit 300,000 subscribers and couldn't be happier. You were sharing your love with people who you had never met but they supported you with everything they had. You couldn't wait for the feedback they had to give you.

You closed your laptop and turned off your lights before hopping into bed. You always procrastinated editing and uploading so you usually worked late into the night to hit your self set deadline. It was exhausting at times but you never changed your ways.

Within seconds of your head hitting the pillow, you were sound asleep.


You awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking. Your roommate was a morning person, the total opposite of you, and was always awake cooking breakfast for the both of you when you woke up. You stretched before getting out of bed. You sloppily pulled your hair into a ponytail before joining your roommate in the kitchen.

"Morning y/n," your roommate chirped. You mumbled a hello back as your laid your head down on the table. "Long night?"

You nodded. Your roommate laugh before setting down a plate full of French toast infront of you. You gobbled down the food after thanking her. After putting your plate in the dishwasher you went back into your room to check on your new video.

You logged on to your account before clicking on your newest video and scrolling to the comments. There were thousands of comment, way more than you usually gotten. You looked at the views and saw you had over 500,000 views. Confused, you decided to look through the comments.

OMG! This is amazing! How have I never seen you before??


like if u were here b4 5sos

Wait, what?! Before 5sos? With your heart beating a million miles a minute you shakily opened twitter. You were bombarded with tweets all congratulating you.

5sos noticed you! Congrats! was the first tweet you saw. The 5 seconds of summer had saw your cover?! That was insane! You decided to tweet them and thank them for watching.

@y/t/n: @5sos thank you so much for watching! Hope you enjoyed xx

Within seconds there was a reply.

@5sos: @y/t/n it was a great cover! You're making us dudes look bad -ash

You smiled and favorited and retweeted the tweet. Your mentions were blowing up. You clicked on their profile and saw the follows you box show up. You almost screamed. 5sos was one of your favorite bands and this was crazy that they knew who you were. You decided to dm them.

Thanks again! I'm a huge fan and can't believe you saw my cover!

Surprisingly you got a reply.

I'm a big fan of yours already! Wicked vocals you've got there -ash

The conversation went on and on. You knew this was the start of something really amazing.

This is crap I apologize :/

Comment what you thought! :)

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