Luke Hemmings

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QOTD- what do you want to be when you grow up?

Idk this sounds weird but I want to be a counselor/therapist


For @xXCDallas94Xx

You wake up with a smile on your face. Today is the day Luke comes home from their 6 month tour and you couldn't contain your excitement. You hadn't seen him the entire 6 months, both of you extremely busy. Sure you guys would FaceTime and text but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. You check your phone to see a text from Luke.

Can't wait 2 c u l8r 2day babe I miss u xx

You smile at his cute text before replying.

Can't wait to c u either cutie I'll c u after school xx

He was convinced you were going to school today but you were going to surprise him at the airport. Not long after you replied, he texted you saying he was boarding the plane. You smile knowing he was almost home.

You roll out of bed, literally, and walk into the bathroom. You get ready for the day by taking a shower and then putting on your makeup. You get dressed in jean shorts and a black v-neck. You grab your black vans before heading into the living room to kill time by watching tv.

You looked up his flight the day before and found out he was landing at 4:00pm. You check the time to see it was already 3. You grab your phone and keys before heading to your car. The ride to the airport is filled with 5sos music and you humming along.

You get into the airport and sit on a chair near his gate. You suddenly receive a text. It's from Luke.

We just landed. Excited 2 c u after school :-)

You smile and reply.

Me 2 I h8 class :(

You look up from your phone to see Luke walking off the plane. He looks exhausted. Your phone buzzes, signaling his reply.

I wish I could c ur beautiful face :-(

You stand up and start walking towards the boys. Luke is staring at his phone.

U can. Look up

You reply. He looks up from his phone and looks around. His beautiful blue eyes find yours and they light up. He drops his bag and starts running towards you. You run into his open arms. He spins you around, nuzzling his face in your neck. You breathe in his familiar scent.

"Y/n! What are you doing here! I thought you were in school!" Luke says into your neck. You smile, happy to have him back.

"I skipped to see you. I couldn't wait any longer. I missed you too much!" You reply. You feel him smile.

He pulls away and looks into your eyes. He soon closes the gap, his lips meeting yours.

"Get a room!" Calum shouts. You laugh and pull away. You hug all the guys and greet them before going back to Luke's side.

"I love you," Luke whispers into your ear.

Comment what you thought! 30 votes for an update :)

Can't believe my Luke is 18 :'(

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