Calum Hood

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QOTD- what time is it for you?

It's 2:31am here (when I write it. It probably won't be when I post it) which is why this one sucks :/

For @_smlxx
You whimper as another clap of thunder fills your ears. The dark room is eerily lit by the lightening flashing and you bury your face into your comforter. Thunderstorms have always scared you for a reason unknown to you.

You were alone in your apartment and were scared out of your mind. The lights had gone out a couple of minutes prior which didn't help the situation at all. You grab your phone from your nightstand and check the time. 3:24 am. Calum, your boyfriend, probably wasn't awake but it wouldn't help to try. You quickly send him a text message.

Cal, I'm scared :( please come over ASAP

You turn off your phone and close your eyes, trying to block out the thunder. Your phone buzzes making you jump. You slightly smile as you see Calum had texted you back.

I'll be there soon baby don't worry xx

After 10 agonizing minutes, you hear the door to your apartment opening and you hear Calum calling your name. "In my bedroom!" You whimper. Calum's beautiful face pokes into your room and he smiles once he sees you huddled under your blankets. He pads over to your bed before laying on it. He pulls your stiff body over to his warm one and wraps his strong arms around your torso.

You immediately relax until another clap of thunder sounds. Calum's grip on you tightens and you snuggle closer into him. "Cal I'm scared," you whisper.

He runs his finger through your hair as he responds. "It's ok, Sophia. I'm right here and I won't let anything hurt you. I love you." You believe him.

You listen to the sound of his heart beat. "Can you sing to me?" You question. His amazing voice never fails to calm you down. He nods before he starts singing Painting Flowers by All Time Low.

You smile and your eye lids start to droop. Before you know it, you are drifting off to sleep. You feel Calum's lips on your forehead before you're gone.

I didn't really like this one. Sophia, if guy want a new one since this one sucked then just inbox me :/

Comment what you thought! :)

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