Michael Clifford

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QOTD- when did you discover 5sos?

I found them about a year ago!
You heard a sob come from your bedroom as you dropped your bag on the table. You quickly ran in and found Michael laying on your bed face down. Another sob escaped his mouth and your heart broke.

"Mikey?" You timidly spoke, trying not to scare him. You walked closer to the bed and sat down. You rubbed circles on his back as he continued to cry. "Michael? What's wrong, baby?"

He raised his head from the sheets and his red swollen eyes met yours. "Am I really the ugliest in the band?" He asked, his voice cracking near the end. You looked back at him, shocked. Michael never let the hate get to him. He was very carefree and that's what you loved about him. Seeing him so vulnerable and hurt broke your heart into a million pieces.

You pulled his body into your arms and continued to rub his back. "Of course you're not! Doesn't listen to the haters, Mikey! You're perfect the way you are!"

He cried harder the more you spoke and you couldn't help but think you said something wrong. "What can I do to help?" You questioned, feeling useless. You hated feeling as if you couldn't do anything.

"Just being here is enough," Michael said through his tears. You continued to comfort Michael, trying your best to cheer him up. A little while later the tears stopped but he still looked upset.

"Y/n, why do you even love me? I'm not attractive and the band could function without me. They could easily find another guitar player," Michael spoke. Tears formed in your own eyes as you realized just how upset Michael really was.

"Don't you say that! Sure the band could find another guitar player but they couldn't find another Michael Clifford! Without you that band wouldn't be whole. And neither would I! You complete me! You're my other half and without you I don't know how I would survive! You're funny and sarcastic and handsome and inappropriate. You don't care what people think and that's why we all love you! Because you are you!" You finish your rant with hopes that it helped. Michael's small smile confirmed your hopes and you brought your lips to his.

"I love you Michael Clifford. To the moon," you whisper against his lips.

"And back," he whispers against yours.
Two accidental 5sos references in there see if you can find them :)

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