Ashton Irwin

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QOTD- fav author?

Mine is John Green. I've read almost all his books and they are fab

For @maddirocks01 :)


Me and my amazing girlfriend, Maddi, were going out to dinner for our 3 year anniversary. Nobody knows but I'm planning on proposing tonight. I'm absolutely, completely in love with her and can't wait for her to be my wife. I sound like a girl right now...

It looks like it might rain but that won't stop us. "You ready to go babe?" I shout across the house. I hear heels clicking and I look up to see my beautiful girlfriend. My eyes widen and my jaw basically hits the ground. I'm pretty sure I feel drool too. "Oh my.... shit Maddi. You look beautiful! Like more beautiful than normal!" I say.

She giggles and walks up to me. "Thanks mister. You don't look too bad yourself," she says before pecking my cheek.

"Great now I have lipstick on my face," I complain. I don't really mind though. She smiles and rubs it off. "To the Ashton mobile!" I say before walking her to the car.

The rain starts pouring really hard about 5 minutes into the drive. Good thing I brought umbrellas! It gets harder and harder to see the road. I look over at Maddi and she looks nervous. I reach over the console and grab her hand. "It's ok princess. We'll be fine," I say trying to reassure her.

"ASH LOOK OUT!" She shouts. Bright lights are heading right towards us. That's the last thing I see before I black out.


I wake up to the sounds of beeping. Everything hurts. My head is pounding and I can hardly open my eyes. After a bit of struggling I crack them open and am met with a white room. Everything is still a little hazy.

I move my head a little to the right and see a sleeping Calum. "Ashton!" I hear. I slowly move my head to the left. Michael is standing there with a smile on his face. It doesn't quite reach his eyes so I know something is wrong.

"Mikey, what happened?" I question, my voice hoarse. He hands me some water which I gratefully take.

"You and Maddi were in a car crash. You've been out for about a week now. You have a concussion and a couple of broken bones," he explains.

"How's Maddi?" I question. He hesitates which makes my heart beat rapidly.

"I'm sorry Ash. I'm so sorry," he cries. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"How's Maddi?" I say once again, more stern this time.

"She's- she's dead Ash," he whispers.

Comment what you thought! 50 votes for next update :)


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