The Only Reason

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QOTD- what is something special about you?

I'm adopted and I'm a twin (:


Don't talk, let me think it over
How we gonna fix this?
How we gonna undo all the pain?

"Just stop talking! For one second!" Michael shouts at you. "No Michael! We need to talk about this! I can't keep fighting with you! It's unhealthy for both of us!" You shout back. You run your fingers through your hair, something you do when you get mad or stressed. You and Michael had been fighting over stupid things all week. It was getting tiring and you didn't know what to do. You had confronted him about it but it ended up in a yelling match. He sighs and his eyes soften. "Look y/n, I know. I know it's not healthy! I don't know how to fix this though," he says, his voice trailing off at the end. He continues. "I don't know how to undo all the pain. I don't know how to erase all the bad things and replace them with good. I just don't know anymore," he whispers, his voice cracking.


Bitter words spoken
Everything broken
Is it too late to bring us back to life?

"You're just an ungrateful little bitch! I work my ass off for you and all you do is complain! I'm never good enough for you!" Calum yells. Tears flood your eyes as the hurtful words are spoken. Your heart breaks a little more, if it's even possible. "If that's how you feel then I'll just be going then," you whisper, trying your hardest not to cry. Your voice is thick with tears and you're sure Calum noticed. You grab your car keys and phone off the table and turn towards the door. You walk quickly, the tears already falling. Your hand is on the door knob and you pause. Did you really want to leave Calum? You remember his bitter words and turn the knob. You are about to step out when a voice stops you. "Don't leave me."


When I close my eyes and try to sleep
I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe
You're the reason, the only reason

You crawl into bed and sigh. You and Luke were fighting again. You close your eyes, determined not to think about him before you went to sleep. Unfortunately your mind had other ideas. You thought about all the good times. The day you met him, the day he finally asked you to be his girlfriend and all the many fun dates you had gone on together. Then you thought about the bad ones. When you saw him and your best friend kiss, all the pointless bickering and then tonight, your break up. You opened your eyes and grabbed the picture you had of you two on your nightstand. You both looked so happy. You were mid-laugh holding on to his shoulders while he was smiling up at you, spinning you around in his arms. You didn't know you were crying until you saw the tears landing on the picture frame. You turn your head and bury it in your pillow, trying not to wake up your family. "Dammit Luke. You're the reason I'm so broken!" You sob into your pillow.


Even though my dizzy head is numb
I swear my heart is never giving up
You're the reason, the only reason

You sang along to Tonight Alive's Amelia while you walked around outside. How could everything be so happy when you were so sad? The sun was shining and the birds were chirping while you were sad and lonely. You didn't understand how the world could be so cruel at times. You and your boyfriend had been broken up a week. He had tried to call and text you but you refused to talk to him. He had cheated on you, why would you want to talk? You still loved him, you just needed your space. Your best friend was tired of your moping so she sent you out to the local park. You luckily brought some earphones so you could listen to depressing music and brood. "Y/n!" You thought you heard someone call. You paused your music and listened. Nothing. You un-paused it an kept walking. "Y/n!" Now you were sure someone was calling your name. You turned your music off and turned around. There stood Ashton with all your favorite candy and movies. He handed you some chocolate roses and smiled at you. "Y/n, please forgive me!"

This was something different, comment what you thought! (: 40 votes for an update

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