Luke Hemmings

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QOTD- what do you think of the new 5sos logo?

personally I hate it :/


You're sitting in the back of your math class when you realize that you have a presentation in your history class next period. You've always hated public speaking because you always stutter and you just don't like being in front of people. You take out your notecards to study what you need to say when you start breathing hard.

"Hey are you okay?" your friend, Luke, asks you.

"No... I'm going to puke."

Luke raises his hand, "(y/n) feels a little sick, can I walk her to the nurse's office?"

The teacher nods and Luke grabs your arm and puts his other arm around your back and leads you outside. He brings you around to the side of the building. He knows you're having a panic attack. You have them a lot, just not usually at school, or noticeably.

"Hey, hey, you're going to be okay." he says, rubbing your back.

You're still breathing fast, so he takes your hand in his, "Hey, breathe with me. In. Out. In. Out."

Your breathing starts to normalize and the feeling in your stomach starts to go away. 

"See there you go." he says, bringing you closer into a hug.

"Now what's going on?"

"I have a history presentation next period and I don't know anything for it and I don't want to get up in front of the class."

"Then let's ditch it."

"But it's a big part of my grade."

"I'll call us in sick. I'll pretend to be our parents and say that we have appointments. We can go out and get ice cream, okay."

"Thank you, Luke. You're amazing."

"So are you," he says, looking you directly in the eyes.

You begin to get lost in his blue eyes and next thing you know, your lips are touching.

You both pull away simultaneously and he smiles.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that."


*creds to tumblr*

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