Ashton Irwin

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QOTD- if you could spend the day with one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?

I would pick... Idk


Dear Ash,

I miss you. It's been 2 years now. How are you? The boys say hello. They miss you too. They aren't themselves anymore. Luke doesn't sing, Calum hasn't cracked a smile in months and Michael won't leave his bedroom. The band is slowly falling apart, you kept them together. The 5sos family is as broken as we are. It's been hard, these two years have. Without you by my side, it's been nearly impossible. I miss when we used to make breakfast together. I miss our silly dates. I miss your contagious giggle. I miss waking up by your side. Do you miss me? I still think about you every day. I thought you were ok. I didn't notice how you changed. I didn't notice the fake smile or how your collection of bracelets grew, covering your wrists. I didn't notice the happiness die. Did you want me to know? I could have helped you. I should have helped you. You needed me and I wasn't there. I still remember that day. I walked into our bathroom and felt as if someone had stabbed me. There you were, motionless on the floor. "Ashton?" I called out. You didn't reply. I panicked. "Ash! Please wake up!" I was sobbing when the boys came in. Why didn't you say goodbye? I miss you. They miss you. Everyone misses you. Did you feel alone? I was there, as were the boys. We could have saved you.

I love you Ashton.

Love, y/n

You wiped away your tears as you sealed the envelope. You kissed it before setting it on the grave.

In loving memory of Ashton Fletcher Irwin.


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