a simple song.

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i used to hear a simple song

"Kal!! Oh my god- okay, no, you dance like this!"

Auri giggles, her abyssal hair falling in her star studded eyes.

She takes his hands, still stifling laughter and leads him in the direction of what he's supposed to do.

But all he can focus on his how her skin on his feels like stars exploding and her eyes look like a child's dream.

that was before you came along.

she was not who she once was.

ever since the two came to the Echo, she's more distant. full of life and love and beauty but duller, dimmer.

it saddened him, to see his beautiful song turn into a fading dream.

she crawls back to him at night, bleeding gold and her bruises colouring silver.

but to his dismay, she is not who she once was.

now in its place is something new.

she shakes, those beautiful eyes spilling white light that was once so ever pure.

"how could you have done this? to us? to me?" she cries, but her voice is distant to the ever rising panic in him.

"I thought you cared! I thought we could do this, but it's evident that we can't."

her voice once so honey sweet is now venom burning through his skin.

"I think you need to leave."

I hear it when I'm with you.

the ache in his heart had only worsened with time. she left him, abandoned him, discarded him like he was worthless.

he watches the blood drip down her broken body, and he wonders.

will he abandon her like she did?

or will he fight a losing battle?

aurora rising one shots, volume two.Where stories live. Discover now