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I'm doing a lot of AUs...
Welp. I don't care.

Au where Auri wasn't rescued by Ty in the Hadfeild, she rescued herself. And she knows about the Ra'haam, and what she has to do.
(Shes also already mastered her powers)


My feet pound across metal, away from the gang of Terrans chasing me.

Mothercustard, I think, I was only here for the trigger. Now I'm stuck on Sempiternity with money placed on my head.

I turn a corner and slip into a smoky bar. It's got three rotating levels, with a bar to one side. There's yells and shouts coming from the second and third levels, colliding with the soft music coming from the aliens playing music in the corner.

I exhale and hurry to a booth occupied by a blonde haired human and an...elf?

I slide in next to them, and mutter,"Pretend I've been here the whole time."

Before they can question it, the beefy humans barge into the bar, shouting.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" One roars, and I keep my head down.


I sigh, and feel my power crackle at my fingertips.


I stand up, and sit on the table, smirking.
"You called?"

"YOU!" He roars.

I nod.
"Me. You ready for a rematch?"


I raise an eyebrow.


I get off the table, ignoring the boys cries. My hands are alight with starlight.
"Its on."

He lashes out with a clumsy punch, and I push him back with crackling blue energy.
"Is that all you've got?!" I shout.

He strikes again, and I step aside.

"Makers breath..." The blond boy whispers, and I shoot him a wink.

I raise my hands and in a whirlwind of colours I throw the human back, and he crashes against the wall.

I turn to the two boys, and curtesy.

"" The elf asks.

"Being stuck in the fold for a couple of hundred years will do that to you." I reply.

"You were on the Hadfeild...?" The blond asks.

"How did you know?!" I ask, clamming up.

"I answered the distress call. When I got there, everyone was dead."

"Well, not everyone." I say, and spin around.

"How did you do that?" The elf asks.

"There's a lot you don't know, Legolas."

"My name is not Legolas."

"Check a mirror. My name's Auri, by the way. Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley."

Their faces light up in recognition.
"My names Tyler, and that's Kal. We've heard about you before..."

"Yeah, that'll happen when your being chased by a trillion different bounty hunters."

The blond -Ty- holds out his hand, revealing a statue.
"No. We heard about you in our dreams."

"The trigger..." I breathe.
"But how?!"

"We kinda...stole it?"

"The two of you?" I ask, skeptical.

"No, we had a few more people helping us. I think it's time you met the squad."

aurora rising one shots, volume two.Where stories live. Discover now