cursed music hc's

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fin would listen to lemon demon
(to be fair, so do i, whenever i'm writing his pov's i put on lemon demon bc i feel like neil sounds like him)
he really, really likes Cabinet Man and Two Trucks. it's unhealthy. imagine he's fighting the ra'haam or something and is blasting "TWO TRUCKS HAVING SEX-" over the intercom. i'd throw myself out of an airlock

kal listens exclusively to old terran jazz and just old songs in general because he's an idiot
knows all the words to 'just the two of us' and will sing it on occasion under his breath
like imagine your in a fight with this 6"7 syldrathi idiot and he's just singing "juuuuust the twoooo of usssss"
like i'd just surrender and start sobbing there is NO chance you'd beat that man

cat listens to mcr
kiss the ring is on FULL blast when she's on patrol, and when her and ty were fourteen she got him into it.
one shore leave on year they went to a concert (modern au give me a break) and ty has a photo with them :). ( Wizardsofchicago the concert was also where they first kissed)

idk i feel like Zila would listen to stuff like movie soundtracks and Experience and Cafe 1930 and the Night King

on another note. scar introduced kal to mitski. god if i was being murdered by a 6"7 boy STRAIGHT out of a badly-written wattpad book and singing first love/late spring under his breath i'd say thank you

ty has a playlist filled with the songs his friends like.
(so do i- HIGHLY recommend)

i feel like auri would listen to like. whale sounds or something funky like that. like not even music or anything just whale sounds.

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